Walking problems-need advise | Arthritis Information



 I was just ready to post this when I read the post Doctor's Suck. I really need info and advise. In February I spent 2 weeks in hospital when my left leg simply wouldn't work. My GP made me go straight to hospital from her office. Suspected MS. Mri came back negative for MS. Walking slowly resolved itself and I had a good 6 months. Even RA was good and felt like I had died and had been born again. Well, the last month or so,I have had numbness in my left arm. Very annoying. Also had some numbness going down both legs but mainly my left leg.  saw the neurologist 2 weeks ago and he thought I might have restless leg syndrome. Gave me some meds (used for Parkinson's Disease which I don't have ). Said he may consider a repeat MRI. I am to see him again tomorrow morning.

Well,Yesterday was really bad. Today I woke up and had pain in all my joints--everything hurt. Most concerning however, was that I couldn't walk. It sounds exacltly like Deanne described in her post. My muscles are weak but mainly my left leg.

My question is this. I don't often post, but I read alot. I have heard others say that they use a cane, a walker or even a chair. For those who do, can you please describe for me what your symptoms are ?? What makes you dependent on these.?

My concern is that I don't want to be treated for something that is RA related. Could it be RA causing this? My GP doesn't think so, and she says that in spite of negative results, she is sure I have MS.

I absolutely do NOT want any more medication, so I guess I am really hoping to hear that this is a result of RA.


Please help. Any comments would be appreciated.

I'm sorry things are so hard for you right now.  It's so easy to get overwhelmed when things are happening to your body and you don't understand why!

It sounds like you have a very proactive, supportive GP, however, my suggestion is that you see a specialist, like a neurologist.  It sounds like you have reached a point where additional insight would be helpful.

Best wishes,


I use a cane because I have a very bad knee that is going to be replaced.  I am all for using any device that is going to help anyone get around no matter what the circumstances are behind needing the use.  I feel that having whatever independence you can have is important to the psychological well being of an individual and the psychology of dealing with any disease. 

I am not understanding what you said about not wanting to be treated for something RA related.  Could you please explain that for me?  I have high blood pressure that I am being treated for that is RA related.  So I think I am kind of confused on what you said. 

I can totally understand not wanting anymore meds when I swallow all my pills every morning and inject my self weekly with 2 different injections.  But sometimes, it just can't be avoided so we can be in the best health possible for not only ourselves but for our family. 

Good luck tomorrow and I really hope you find the answer to what is going on.  Please keep us informed. 

Wantingtoknow, first of all GPs rarely have enough education to know how to treat us. It is possible that you have MS. But you also could have peripherial neuropathy which means that the RA is affecting your nerves. It is excellent that they are doing repeat MRIs. If lesions show up on these, then you probably have MS. And, yes, unfortunately you can get both. Really sucks, but you aren't to that point yet so don't panic. You also might not initially have lesions on the  MRIs and they show up later. It takes some time to really diagnose it.

The peripheral neuropathy develops because of the immune system attacking the nerves just like it does our joints. You can do a search and find all kinds of general information on it. I also have Vasculitis and Sjogren's which both can cause the same kind of problems. So, I've got kind of a triple curse thing going here. I'm sorry that my situation has scared you.

The main reason that I use a cane and knees braces is OA, not RA. That's been a problem for about 5 years and I was hoping to finally have knee surgery so I could walk again. I hate my braces. I wear the wrist braces and compression gloves to help the numbness, tingling and pain in my hands, wrists and shoulders. This can happen because of carpal tunnel or nerve compression at the elbow. A lot of people have this problem and this can be treated.

The problem is that there can be a multitude of problems and it may take several tests before they know an answer. It can be difficult for the doctors to get a full picture of what is going on.

You have to look at me as kind of a worse case scenario. Vasculitis is an extremely rare disease. To develop nerve problems from it is even more rare. Sjogren's is usually pretty benign in that it usually dries out only your mouth and eyes. But it actually can dry out internal organs and the mylein sheath protecting your nerves. RA causes the constant inflammation and can cause nerve destruction. Again, it is very rare for it cause the depth of problems that I have. If it does, it is usually 20 years of severe RA. I've been at 6 years but believe I've had the disease much longer.

However, these symptoms should not be taken lightly. You must get them evaluated and not let the doctors brush them aside until you know the answer. Some of the consequences can be quite serious, but again rare. In other words, act to protect yourself from the worse case scenarios and try to hope for the best.

Please also keep in mind that I am maxed out on my RA meds. They cannot do anything more for me there. The OA is a big problems. I have heart and lung problems. I also have Glaucoma, Fibromylagia and Restless Legs.

I really should donate this body to medical research when it finally cops out on me.

I'm am so sorry to have scared you. Please take precautions, make sure you have a proactive Rheumy and Neurologist. Even if you have MS, there are treatments.

Even the neuropathy may be reversible with PT as nerves can grow back.

I guess I saying I sorry I hit a "nerve." Sorry, cannot resist puns.

Please hang in there and be very firm with your doctor tomorrow that you are not going to be satisfied with any half answers.

I'm not giving up so you can't either.

My heart goes out to you.



Thank you for the responses. I don't think you scared me Deanne. As a matter of fact I felt some comfort in knowing that someone else has the same symptoms. That's what made me  think that this could be RA related!! Do you have peripheral neuropathy ? Thanks so much for your concern.

Grammaskittles...I meant that I did not want to be treated for something ElSE if this could be related to RA.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts.



The doctor isn't saying what it is yet. He has just said that my nerves are too badly damaged. That's a bit vague. I'll have to see what the new medicine does for me and what my other doctors say. I don't see him again until January.

Please do let me know what your doc says. I know several others have the problem with neuropathy.

Deanna39050.7001388889 Ahhh thanks for explaining that to me.  Woke up with a head cold this morning so I'm somewhat more brain fuzzy than normal.  I hope my posts are making sense tonight lol. 
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