Sed rates | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone, I am also a newby here.  You all seem so nice and inviting, and give your honest opinion on topics brought up.  I will post my story in a bit, but I did wonder, what are the sed rates for those that have been diagnosed here?  So far, all my tests have been normal, except my sed rate, which was at a 59 during the last flare.  This flare is a lot worse, and I am currently waiting for all of my results.  Thanks,


The highest my SED rate has been was a 48.  I know its been higher, b/c I know I have had way worse pain, but just didnt have blood work during a bad flare.  Now its around 15, which I think is pretty normal.  Thank goodness for meds!  I still think it goes up and down, between 15 and 22 right now.  Better than it was!Hello, my sed rates were normal, however my Rh factor and ANA were high, so then my Rheumatologist tested me for Lupus as well, he feels he has ruled it out, and it is RA. I have been told that any combination of blood work can be different for each person, but symptoms along with at least one of the tests being positive, is enough for a diagnosis, good luck, it is no fun!

My SED rate runs 50-75 during a flare. On my best day it was down to 11. I was so happy I wanted to bake a myself cake with a big 11 on it. I believe 7 to 10 is normal.

My rheumy said that while they do use SED rate to judge severity, it doesn't nessesarily match up with disease activity.

My cousin has MS, she had a SED rate of 214!Major flare for the last two weeks.Blood work showed my sed rate at 7 ???  My fingers,tendons in my hands, elbows,shoulders. jaw and right knee are all out to lunch.So much pain. Why is my sed rate @ 7? Hi,

 A normal sedrate is a high of 20, any thing about that is considered high!
When I was diagnosed with RA in August, 2005, my sed rate was at 103. I was in major pain everywhere and could barely use my hands. When things are more under control it still runs in the high 40's and during a recent flare it was 59. I've never known it to be anywhere near normal. I am so hoping that when I go for my next appointment we might get somewhere on getting the correct combination of drugs. Right now I'm on MTX 25 mg weekly, 5 mg prednisone, and weekly injections of Enbrel.The highest my sed rate has ever been is 35.  That was before being diagnosed, when I had severe swelling.

Last time I had my sed rate checked it was only 3!!  That's after being on MTX for about a year and Enbrel for two months.  I still have some minor swelling in hands and ankles though.


My sed rate runs around 90 to 97. I was on MTZ pills and then injections for several months but they didn't help the pain at all, and made little difference in sed rate.

I also had a reaction to MTX. I developed a bad cough all the time, so my rheumatologist stopped it.

I sure hope they get your flare under control soon, Lori.

By the way, Welcome to the Forum! There are a lot of very kind people here who are willing to share experiences with you. There is almost always someone here if you need to talk or cry or just be silly.

Feel better, soon!

Gentle hugs,


