Ugga Bugga | Arthritis Information


Yeah yeah...I haven't been on the computer much this week. Loads of pain. Dang weather.

I know, I know...I SHOULD have gone to the ER over the weekend...but I DID see the Rhuemy on Monday afternoon. Not much he can do/say, except all we can figure is I need to stay AWAY from NSAIDs at this point. They didn't help much with pain, and my stomach was in such turmoil it simply wasn't worth the risks.

He took more blood, and sent me over to the hospital for another MRI...but the tech said as far as he could see it was clean. I'll get the "results" from the Dr on Tuesday.

I've become great friends with the MA at my Drs office.....we chat daily now. heh. Dr wasn't there today, but tomorrow she's going to press for some stronger painkillers, because the vicodin he gave me isn't doing jack.

*sigh* What a week. Both kids AND the hubby are all sick too...I am praying I don't get it either.

Oh the bright side, I haven't passed out again, nor have I felt dizzy (which I felt often when I was taking both different NSAIDs in the past month....and DH says I was complaining of being dizzy back when I was popping ibprofen like it was candy...but I can't remember it really). I HOPE we get something on Tuesday with the bloodwork, even if it IS a lower platelet count. I'll take anything at this point!!!

I have another question...I had a plugged milk duct in my armpit 3wks ago that I had to have drained (or was it 2??). In the past 3 days 4 little bumps have popped up. They are red and painful, but not soft like the one I had drained. Whats up with that?? I guess I need to go to a GP..but at the moment, I don't have one.

Going to get caught up...sorry I haven't been around everyone.

Big *hugs* to all!!

So glad you are not dizzy anymore and the MRI looks clean.  Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that your bloodwork comes back good too. 

Hope everyone is getting better there!  Lots of handwashing and disinfecting wipes!

Did they shave the area they drained?  Could the little red bumps be ingrown hairs?  Those are pretty painful.

I wanna see how Liz is crossing her toes. If she's doing that I don't think she belongs here...unless the crossing is involuntary. Hahaha

Oh Hunny hunny. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad you're off those NSAIDs. After I thought about it and talked to my mom I just had this huge feeling that's what the dizziness was. I know you had said it before, but it just never clicked. Anywho...hope you get even better than this!!!


I wanna see how Liz is crossing her toes. If she's doing that I don't think she belongs here...unless the crossing is involuntary. Hahaha

Oh Hunny hunny. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo glad you're off those NSAIDs. After I thought about it and talked to my mom I just had this huge feeling that's what the dizziness was. I know you had said it before, but it just never clicked. Anywho...hope you get even better than this!!!


Aww, thanks Katie!!!

You are SO upbeat.....I need some of your spunk girl!!!
Now if we can get the pain to go away, I'll be one happy camper. I'm supposed to throw a HUGE holiday party for my daughter's playgroup next week, and I can't even get the energy up to pull the christmas tree out of the box, much less cook. *sigh* Of course, I offered to do it MONTHS ago before all this hit, and now it's too late to back out. heh.

I just hope they give me something else to get me through the weekend. It's supposed to be like 20 degrees here tomorrow (after being 80 today!), and I'm going to be in AGONY....oh my. I already feel it.

I need y'all to come visit me....much more fun than screaming children and stuck-up mommies. At least you guys will understand why my truffles aren't round.
Gramma....oops...didn't intentionally ignore you...No, they didn't shave the area they drained, simply because I did it before I went in. (I don't trust ANYONE to shave me!!!)

I've HAD ingrown hairs before, and they never got like this....nor this's really wierd. They aren't getting worse. I figure I'll watch them until Friday, and if I have to take the baby back to the pedi I'll ask the pedi. heh. He always gets a kick out of my strange questions. Not to mention he always asks about my health anyway when I see him....he said he hates to see someone so young with a diagnosis of something like RA....but he thinks that the new RD is wrong after seeing me today. He said my hands look AWFUL. So, maybe it was just the pred keeping the swelling down??

I don't know. I'm just a mess. 25 and falling apart. Poor DH...his mother was sick growing up, his college GF was DEATHLY ill the 4 years they dated, and now his wife who was healthy as a horse (except bad headaches...but those were bearable) can hardly get out of bed in the mornings!!! Ugh, I hate it!

Okay...going to bed on that note.

*passes out lopsided truffles to all*

Mmmmm truffles...I don't care if they are lopsided.....mmmmm truffles. 

It could quite possibly be that the pred was keeping the swelling down because that is what it is supposed to do.  I still feel that you need a different RD.  We have talked before on why

Your hubby loves you.  Sick or not.  Look at it this way, he has had the practice and developed the patience to deal with illness.  That is why he went to bat for you at your appt.  and takes such good care of you and the kids

Now...about those truffles....mmmmm.

So I've got this figured out - your DH makes people sick!  It's all HIS fault!  LOL

Okay, about this party.   Do you have to do it?  Really?  I know playgroups are important, but in the great scheme of things. . .  Seems like there are plenty of other moms in the group who could step forward if you explained the situation.  I used to be the worst about volunteering for things and then feeling such a strong sense of responsibility and commitment that I couldn't let it go! 

Life is fluid, it changes and people can adapt.  The ladies in the group can adapt.  They will understand if you explain it to them.  And the ones who don't, well I can't say that here.

Midge,  I feel the same way.  My husband's ex had back problems that no one believed.  Got hooked on painkillers and died in his bed.  He meets me, I couldn't be healthier, and look at me now, starting oxycotin.  I get sick when he brings up his wife.  I didn't know her of course but all anyone says about her is that she was a drug addict.  Gawd, that gets to me.  What if she was just like me, in pain, and no one cared.  How strange how life plays out.

PS  I get wierd sores since RA.  You were having problems with the meds, it could be your body just cleaning itself it.  The skin is a cleansing organ.  Hopefully that will go away.

I would cancel party myself.  You are a brave woman - screaming kids and stuck up moms.  No Way, I would be dangerous in that situation I can't cancel the party though....there's just no one else to host it. I tried to find another host....but no one wanted to do it. Maybe they know something about their kiddos that I don't??? hahaha

A friend of mine HAS offered to have it at her house if I"m totally desperate, but she has a buttload of animals, and my kids are a mess after spending time over there. BUT, I have taken her up on her offer to help me the day before and the day that will take some of it off. I don't MIND having's more dealing with the stuck-up moms. heh. I can't get anyone to commit to bring anything, and it's kinda ticking me off!!

I don't know about finding another RD....I'm already going downtown, and this guy is supposedly one of the best in the city. Everything I have heard about the Drs up where I live (I'm in the 'burbs) are just like the first RD I saw....quick to throw their patients on the biologics. Reasoning? They want the money from doing it!! (it's comming with the Drs up here, they are big into throwing expensive drugs at you...I've found all the best Drs seem to be yeah, we go down there for EVERYTHING at this point....) Ugh, I hate pharmacutical companies!!

I was speaking with a friend of mine this morning, she works for an attorney who represents the nasty pharm companies. She was like "are you on any NSAIDs or celebrex? Cause if you are, GET OFF ASAP!!!" I told her about my passing out, and she knew right away what it was from, before I even told her what I was taking. Okay, so thats BAD if a legal secratary can tell you exacly WHY you passed out.

Ohhh, just got a call from the nurse. My platelets were NORMAL!!!! *does happy dance* But my red blood cells were high. No idea what that means...they are going to do more bloodwork on tuesday. *holds out pin-pricked arm*

The nurse also wants to switch my pain meds (since the vicodin isn't really working, unless I pop 3 at a TIME. haha. and then I'm so dang nauseous, it defeats the purpose). She mentioned Darvocet. I haven't taken that since I had mastitis a couple years ago. I do remember it knocked my headaches out nicely until I ran out. heh.

Well, one good thing about passing out I suppose...they aren't fighting me on pain meds anymore. Of course it probably helps that i Have called them EVERY DAY this week.

Midge,  I take darvocet for everyday pain.  When I am feeling GOOD but my RA damage never goes away.  It is not even as strong as vicoden.  It is a great drug for when you are not flaring but it is not a strong pain reliever.  You also have to be careful, hard on the liver.



Midge,  I take darvocet for everyday pain.  When I am feeling GOOD but my RA damage never goes away.  It is not even as strong as vicoden.  It is a great drug for when you are not flaring but it is not a strong pain reliever.  You also have to be careful, hard on the liver.



Shhhh, darling are supposed to tell me it's a wonderful painkiller and I will be on cloud nine after taking it.   (I'm feeling rather cute this morning...I think it's because the ground is white from the sticking sleet.....I love the "look" of snow....)

I wonder if I could exchange my voice for some pain-free 3. daughter is ADDICTED to little mermaid....we are on the second time watching it today.
"you poor unfortunate souls, in pain, in need..." Should be our mantra!!!

Someone shoot me now....I've completely lost it! hahahahahaha
