Depressed | Arthritis Information


Brett comes home tomorrow and if this pain med doesn't kick in, he is coming back to a trashed house.  He has traveled a lot and he would always come home to a spotless house and me all prettied up for him.  RA SUX SO BAD.  I pray that a different biologic saves me.  I do better in the afternoons.  Maybe I can clean then.  This morning Abby needed to go out to pee.  I could not get out of bed.  I tried to stand up and fell back down.  That happens a lot lately.  She peed in my bedroom.  I cleaned it up with a rag but didn't have it in me to do a proper cleaning.  I am so angry at RA right now.  I so want my husband back and to work on our relationship.  I want to be a good mother to my Kelsey and Colton.  Just the basics.  I want to be able to function.  I tried to get the gp to prescribe me Humira but she said the rheumatologist would have to do that.  In the meantime, my fingers and toes are getting more crooked and my mobility is nill.  I can't believe I actually had three good days last week.  What happened???  I want to love my body but right now I am so angry at it
Who cares if the house is a mess??? My DH has come to terms with the fact that our house is going to be in shambles from here on out (although we had company over Tuesday night, and as long as you didn't open a closet, it was SPOTLESS....with the exception of my kitchen floor...I need to mop), and I'm too dang stubborn to hire a maid. Okay, wel, more like I don't feel they deserve 0 to clean my house, nor should it take 3 women SIX hours to do it. I don't have knick-knacks, pictures on many walls, and a ton of furniture. I think they were upstairs the whole time with the vacumn ON while they read my magazines. hehehe

*hugs* Bug your Dr to see the Rheumy!!!!! Just call them everyday. I call my RD every day now. Seems to be getting some results. They wanted me to come in today, but the weather is too icky to go downtown. heh.

I hear ya, my house is a mess also.  I hired a maid service a couple of years back when I broke my leg and I wasn't impressed and it was so expensive!

I hope things go well for the homecoming!  Love and hugs!

Dude.....with Justin and I BOTH having auto-immune things with chronic pain...our house is pathetic. LOL It really is something that EVERYONE in the house has to come to terms with. Life's too short to worry about that end table that keeps piling up with junk mail. One room at a time one day at a time is how I do my house.  No one in my family really cares what the house looks like.  Except for me.  I am going to work on my bedroom later.  I can't stand it anymore lol.  I am just waiting this pain out.  I am hoping when Kelsey comes home we can work on it together.  The pain is better but I feel so tired.  Abby is keeping Tyler busy.  I sure have no regrets about getting that dog.  Brett just needs to get here to let her out in the morning.  I used to get up without an alarm before 7 every morning.  I would literally bounce out of bed.  I would be excited about the day and Brett would already be up and I could not wait to go hug him and have coffee with him.  You can tell I miss my Brett, for better or worse. 

Now, that I have a mending arm, I will not say my arm is repaired until I do not have to keep going back to the bone Dr. I want to clean house, cannot. I think it was from that cortiseroid shot they gave me before I left the hospital after surgery, that made me feel like I could clean house

My hubby knows, when I do clean house it is spotless and cleaned so good you can eat food off of it. I am a recovering germ-a-phobe. And he also knows if I do clean house like I use to I will be grouchy, grumpy, and b!tchy because I am in sooo much pain after I am finished. Last time I attempted to clean house I cried because I only got one room done and part of the bathroom. I wanted my tub spotless and clean, but I just could not finish it nor scrub because my hands would not let me bend them the way I needed to to get the back of the tub. My daughter heard me crying while I was laying in bed and asked me if I wanted her to clean the tub, I told her no I would finish it one day. But she went in the bathroom and scrubed the tub spotless and clean in less than 20 mins, as where it took me 1 1/2hrs to scrub the half of the tub I got clean.

I figure it this way.... A spotless house is for the body abled, and if you are not body abled then a semi-clean house will work just as good.


I have a sign that says "DUST PROTECTS THE FURNITURE" so I'm doing my part to keep my furniture in good shape! LOL Hillhoney I can so understand. Just remember that it will be there tomorrow if that tomorrow is a better day. Being 32 and a mother of two with RA it is hard but all you can do is what you can. Hang in there. I'm thankful that my husband is retired and is able to help so much with the house.  I do manage to work, but its getting harder every day.  The pain is getting much worse and all I seem to do anymore is cry.  I'm seeing my gp tomorrow, hopefully she can help.  Right now, Roxy I understand....