Arthritis Information -Recently Diagnosed?


I went to the hosptal the other day and the doctor
offered me Methotrexate. I have had psoriasis for
about 38 years and about 2 year ago I was
diagnosed with PA. at the moment I have it in both
knees (but not too bad) and in three of my fingers
which are quite painful when they flare up.

At the moment I am using Mefenamic Acid when a
flare up occurs but it doesn't really do much good. I
was given a leaflet about Methotrexate and told to
come back in six months and if it got any worse than
I oculd start using it, if I wanted to. The doctor didn't
seem too keen to start me on the drug because of
the possible side effects which to be honest did
frighten me abit. I was just looking for a bit of
feedback from people that are actually using it.

Also, I only found this board yesterday for the first
time and was interested to see the notes about
pitted fingernails. I also suffer from this but my nails
just fall off. Does this happen to anyone else? Does
anyone know of anything that might help?



You might want to post this (Just copy and Paste) in the section for RA or the Psoriatic Arthritis section; I'm not sure how much activity the PA section gets. I'm not sure how much exposure your question will get here in this section.

Lots of us here take MTX; myself include as well as Humira for RA. I'm a big MTX fan myself; I've been on it for about 3 years with little to no side effects so far. Other's have gotten sick very quickly and couldn't take it; others take it by injection. My doctor monitors my blood work very closely; so it's a little surprising that he would give you a script and not ask to see you again for 6 months. I think others will agree that this is not adviseable. (I might be misunderstanding you)

You have to weigh it all out Trudy; for me quality of life is much more important than quanty. MTX (AS well as Humira) has given me a more normal life. I suffered for years while we switched from one medication that did not work well to another. For me it's been good.

I'll admit I don't have much knowledge when it comes to PA; but as far as MTX goes I've been quite pleased. Again; Welcome Trudy, I hope you'll continue to come back here. We've all become quite attached to this little group. You'll find friendship and support here that you just can't get just anywhere. Only others with this disease can truly understand your daily struggles.

One last thing; you mentioned getting the script for MTX at the hospital? If you do not already have a Rhumatologist I'd suggest you go see one before starting the MTX.

Best of luck to you Trudy.


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I saw this at the Arthritis Foundation wedsite. It's a free copy of a magazine from the Arthritis Foundation titled "Just Diagnosed". I'm sure if you've just been diagnosed they'll be all sorts of helpful information in here you and your loved ones will be intersted in.

