Good news | Arthritis Information


No, not health related....

A friend of mine was flying through the vegas airport and stopped at the Ethel M store with a list from me (I ADORE their raspberry satin creams, they are to die for). Well, they gave him the WRONG ones! I didn't have the heart to tell him...he didn't know the difference.

Well, I called them up, and they are sending me a POUND Of them free of charge!! (he only bought 1/2 a lb!!) Yippee for good CS!!! Probably helps that I'm in their system and have ordered many times in the past few years.

Those should hold me over until DH's in Vegas in January!!! Yay!!

Had to share something's otherwise a nasty icy day here in Dallas, and I'm stuck at home with a sick baby, a sick hubby and a bored toddler. Might be time to introduce her to play-doh.....
OMG I'm drooling.  I'm moving in with you.  Truffles...raspberry satin cremes.  And I can play with play doh.  Adopt me.  Please. 

You know, I may be 23 but I still own some play-doh....



and Legos....



Good stuff, good stuff.



P.S. - For the love of snoopy, you don't know how many times I had to type "play-doh" before I got it right...

arriscolwell39051.5477893519 [QUOTE=grammaskittles] OMG I'm drooling.  I'm moving in with you.  Truffles...raspberry satin cremes.  And I can play with play doh.  Adopt me.  Please.  [/QUOTE]

Sure, you can move in. Although....the baby's crib is in the guest you'll have to get up with him all night.
Oh good...I hate play-doh...the smell, ugh!!! *giggles*

When should I expect you???

OMG I love the smell of play-doh. It makes me want to lick it.....




That sounded creepy...


OMG I love the smell of play-doh. It makes me want to lick it.....




That sounded creepy...


DH LOVES play-doh....we pulled it out once for her to play with, and he was like "mmmmm, yummy!!" and was pretending to eat it. Bad idea....cause she stuck some in her mouth not long after. hehehe

*sigh* Eowyn's SUPPOSED to be napping...but NO, she's upstairs banging on the walls. heh. UPS is supposed to deliver something, and when they ring that doorbell...naptime is gonna be SCREWED.
