Since we all need a laugh sometimes.... | Arthritis Information


Some humour.....this is what my daughter did a couple days ago for "fun". I believe I was on the phone with the RD's office at the time. Thank goodness she didn't flush!!! (it was about half a roll of the HUGE rolls. hahaha)

I'm sorry mommy!!!

Everyone should have kids.....they provide comic relief, even when you are down in the dumps. Of course they also drive you nuts watching things like Little Mermaid ALL DAY LONG. Kids and toilets - it's a fascination for all of them.  Our son put our cordless phone in the toilet 

LOL!!!  Our youngest daughter would put the end of the roll in and flush and watch it unroll. 

I showed my hubby the pics and he was laaaaaaaaaaaaaughing.  And my 14 year old says there is  nothing wrong with watching the Little Mermaid all day long.  But her name is Arielle lol. 

She's soooo so cute! Kids, especially toddlers, are so easily amused. I'm jealous. I'm going to try that when I get home....unroll some toilet paper and try to smile.... should teach Domino to unroll and flush lol.

What a cutie! Hope it wasn't the last roll in the house.What a doll.  How could anyone get mad at that sweet thing.  Thanks for sharing.  I AM smiling.  I love kids.  I can't wait to get better and spend time with my great nephew.  He is crawling and I don't want to miss it !!!!!! roxy39051.5477893519She's the cutest.

Kids are wonderful, they really are a ray of light on a dark day.


Oh god.....I can just see her learning to stick it in the toilet, flush and watch it unroll. Thats SO up her alley!!! 
Yeah, I can't get mad at her, she's too dang cute!! Her shirt is quite fitting though...she always seems to act up a bit more when she wears it too.

I'm scared though....I can only IMAGINE what she's going to teach the baby once he's a little older and walking. Those two are going to wreck havoc on this house!!

I'm going to teach her to wrap presents this afternoon...should be interesting. I'll post any good pics I get. heh

What a cutie!!!. No matter how I feel, little faces can cheer me up every time.

I have a grand-daughter who is 19 months old and her goal in life is to make the world laugh

Just look at that little face standing by the stuffed toilet! And that sweet little smile. She can come and play at my house any day.

Hugs to all,

