pins and needles | Arthritis Information


Im having my first  methotrexate injection on monday after two years on the pills.   ive noticed that  ive got  tingly  needles and pins feeling in my thighs in both legs ... should i mention to rheumy?  or am i going bonkers?   anna_uk

  Anna. I see that noone has answered your post yet so thought I would write even though I don't have much to say. I have been dealing with numbness/needles and pin feelings in my arm and legs for the past month or so. Noone can seem to tell me why (haven't discussed with Rheumy yet). I think you should definatly tell him what is happening. I would be interested in his reply.

Good luck with your injection. I do not have any problem doing mine. Got horrendously sick from the pills. The injection is better, but I still get sick the day after. I take it before bed witha sleeping pill so I sleep through the worse. I take Leucovorin the day after to help with side effects. If you want to know about Leucovorin, let me know.

Good luck!!

Hi Anna. Tell the doc about the pins and needles. It seems like half the folks on this board have that, or something like it, so you'r probably not going bonkers.

Good luck with your first injection.

Hi  WTK and  RK gal

thanks for replies.   i see rheumy on monday morning so all will become clear then and will post here what  they say.    happy weekend anna

Hi Anna,

I'm in the UK too! I'd tell your Dr about the pins and needles, good luck with your injection on Monday. I take MTX in tablets but they're thinking about injections because a higher dose made me sick before and they're thinking of increasing the dose after my recent massive flare...

I hope it all goes well for you,

