Did anyone miss me? | Arthritis Information


I sure missed all of you. I was in PA and SC for Turkey week,
but got back on Sunday. I was running around doing chores
Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday I went to get my flu and
pnemovax shots. I believe I mentioned on here before that
when I get the flu shot, my shoulder flares for a few days after
very badly. Well, I thought I didn't want two frozen shoulders,
because then I couldn't drive, so I got them both in my left
shoulder. That was at 11 am. By 1, my shoulder was starting to
ache pretty badly, but I hung in there, thinking it was just hurting
worse cuz I got 2 shots in the same shoulder. I cooked dinner
around 6, in so much pain I had to make a sling for my shoulder
and even then I would cry any time I moved. Shortly after
dinner, I began to feel very dizzy and got a screaming
headache. My whole body was aching and my heart started
racing. I got a hot bath, hoping to feel a little bit better, but when
i got out of the tub I got very short of breath. I used me inhaler
twice and it didn't help at all. I blacked out long enough to fall
and hurt my other arm on the footboard. So, off to the ER we
went. Hubby had to hold me up to get me in the ER. They
thought I looked so bad they took me right back. Well, they
started me on a breathing treatment and gave me an IV of
solumedrol. They gave me Ativan to slow my heart rate so they
could give me Epi, but my heart wouldn't slow down. They
ended up giving me high IV dose of Benadryl. After the Ativan
and Benadryl, I was sound asleep and my heart rate was still
150! They ended up taking lots of blood, and doing an EKG.
They couldn't figure out why my heart rate was up so high. They
finally gave me pain meds, thinking that would help. I got
Dilaudid which wiped me out again. Then they woke me up,
said "we have no idea why your heart rate is still so high. We're
going to send you home and if it hasn't gone down to normal by
Friday, call you doctor." So, gee, thanks. So I slept all day and
all night yesterday, and am just now getting up. My lungs feel
like garbage, so I am going to go call my doctor. Sorry this was
so long, but I just wanted to share this with everyone. Hope
everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I will get back on here
after my next Benadryl induced nap!

Sara, for heaven's sake! It's good to have you back. But what a tale.

I hope your heart has stopped racing by now and that your doctor can makes more sense of this than the ER could. Kind of scary that the ER shakes it's head and sends you home to wait for the doc. You must be worn out through and through, what with the trip, the heart and lungs, and the drug roller coaster.

Keep us posted, and good luck.

Yowza!!  Take it easy chickie!!!  Rest!!!! 

First of all, yes, I missed you. But it sounds as though you barely made it back here.

I'm scared of those flu shoots to begin with and your experience has only made more afraid.

Can't understand why they didn't have a Cardiologist on board. Please follow through on it. Hopefully it is just the weirdest fluke.

Glad your back. Stay that way.

Thanks everyone. I am going back to the doc this afternoon. My
inhaler is barely helping me, so I'm pretty sure I need a
breathing treatment. Yes, Deanna, I definitely agree that I
should see a cardiologist. My mom has frequent episodes of
SVT...one time her heart rate was over 300! I was hospitalized
in April for my asthma and the same thing happened with my
heart rate. Just what I need, another specialist! I'll check
back in after my appt.Ah, but I love my cardiologist. He is so calm, peaceful, caring. And, usually, he tells me that I have nothing to worry about.Welcome Back. I say rest for a week and hire a butler for that week.Hahahaha Joonie has the best ideas. Sorry to hear you had such a scare :( Take it easy and DEF let us know what happens. I've been racking my brain for reasons why your heart rate would be like that and I'm stumped. *hugs!!*

OMG  Sara.  What a scary night.  Do you know how to check your own heart rate and bp?  If the flu shot effects you this way every time, why take it.  ugh.  you were missed and I thought you were probably with family for the holidays. 

Please take care of yourself.  We need you and DO miss you when you are gone.  let us know how you are doing.  BIG Thanks everyone!
Deanna and Katie~ I did ask my doc about the heart rate thing.
He says that since the only time I have problems is when I have
asthma attacks and breathing treatments, that I am probably
just hypersensitive to the meds and it just takes my heart longer
than normal to calm down. My EKGs (one from my
hospitalization in April and one from Wed. night) have been
normal, and they didn't see any abnormal rhythms on the
monitor, there isn't a need to worry right now. He said if it
happens often with no reason at all, then I need to be seen by a
specialist. I also checked this with my FIL (a doc) and he

Roxy~ My allergic reaction was from the pneumovax, most
likely, not the flu shot. My mom, a veteran nurse, said she has
seen many nasty reactions from the pneumovax(not as bad as
mine) but they are common. The problem is, the immunization
clinic (on the base) did not give me any info on possible
reactions. My mom said when she worked in a docs office, they
had a handout that HAD to be given to everyone and they had
to sign a consent. My doc got an earful about the idiots at the
immunization desk. I also check my heart rate and peak flow
regularly, so I am an informed patient.

Crunchy~ This IS my home !!

My appointment today was very eventful. I had a fever over 100
when I went in, and I had to have a breathing treatment. My doc
said that it is still my body reacting to the pneumovax and it may
take a while to calm down. So, tomorrow morning I am going to
get my very own nebulizer on doc's advice (insurance is
covering it). But I also have to go on prednisone, but only a
short burst to clear up the lungs. My left arm is still flaring, but
the pred should help that. ANYWAY! Besides all of this I am
doing plenty of online Christmas shopping. I can't wait for the
holidays!! Did anyone decorate their house/apartment yet? I
want to see pics!!    Sara, what a horrible way to spend Thanksgiving weekend. I hope by now you are feeling better. I too had a stressful time although I was not particularly sick. My son's car broke down on the highway between LA and Monterey and my daughter got car jacked at gun point. She and her date were both beaten,although sasha had enough moxy to put her foot on the gas before the 3 assailants could pull her out of the car. She is suffering post traumatic stress disorder now but is in therapy to deal with it.OMG Linda that is horrible!!! Sounds like you taught her well,
though. I also understand car trouble. I used to drive an old
Volvo (very safe, but unreliable). Once I was driving down I-95
for 60 miles dragging my muffler and I had NO IDEA! I have
never been to CA. Is it nice there? Hubby has a chance to get
stationed in LA for a few years, but I'm not sure about changing
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