Alright this is getting old... | Arthritis Information


Tell me if this sounds like anything y'all have had.

My upper back has started hurting lately, usually just to one side around the shoulder blade. It'll hurt for 10 minutes and then it tingles for HOURS after that. It's so bizarre. And if I bend forward to far while it's tingling it hurts through my body to my chest. It makes NO SENSE. Am I nuts?

Does the stool that you sit on at work have a back rest?  That could be affecting your back.  You are on your feet lots at work and that could be affecting your back also.

You are nuts but that has nothing to do with the issue you are having with your back.

LOL Thanks. You're so supportive

Guess what I just right knee has a dent in it when I sit with my knees bent. LOL Nice, eh?

Sometimes if my muscles in my back get really tense they will
irritate a nerve or something. Sounds kinda like that. What does
the dent look like? I have dents in my car Sounds like some swelling on your knee and maybe we solved why your back is all funky.

You are welcome for the support.  That's what friends are for. 