smhiles | Arthritis Information


I read where you are dealing with both RA and MS. I've had RA awhile, but I'm getting MS like symptoms, nerve problems, etc. How did they diagnosis you for the MS? How long did it take? And, how do they treat the combination?

Anyone else that has some answers, please jump.



Yes, I have been dx'd w/RA and FMS and during the use of biologics I was noticing some cns sx's, although I didn't know it was the MS yet. I had blurred vision, pain and blindness (Optic Neuritis) in my left eye, tingling and numbness in both legs and feet. Cognitive issues, L'hermittes (electric type shocks, from head down spine), hand tremors, spastic gait, great fatigue, probably something else just don't know right now. I went in to get my eye problem checked they did a vision test (didn't do well at all, of course) also an ultra sound and saw inflammation behind the left eye, then sent me for an MRI, the MS lesions were found, I was hospitalized, a Lumbar Punture was done came back w/ positive O bands, then an MRI for my spine was done found more lesions, my Rheumy took me off of the biologic that I was on, I was treated aggressively with IV steroids.  It 5 days in the hospital, and the docs really were aggressive with an answer to diagnose so a treatment can begin, which was pretty much right away. My eyesight came back somewhat but has plateaued w/peripheral blurriness and depth perception issues. The other sx's are some constant some come and go with flare ups. Some of the side effects of the biologics are issues w/ cns problems.  I am on a slew of meds that treat RA and MS so it helps but my docs are steadily trying to decrease them. B/c I already had and autoimmune disease I may have already had MS and w/ the biologics it was just excerbated (just my guess).  I have been dancing with these multiple chronic diseases for a little bit and I decided that I will take the lead. I hope this helps. 


I've had hand tremors from the first year, really bad at first. Leg tremors and gait problems the 2nd year. But the brain MRI and nerve conduction tests were negative. They did not do a spine MRI or Lumbar puncture because that's when they also diagnosed the OA in my knees.

Both Rheumys that I've seen will not give me biologics. Maybe this is part of the reason. The Neurologist didn't do any tests. He just said the nerves were too destroyed and that I was going to have to live with the tremors and inability to walk. Yes, one foot drags behind the other, but then I do need those knee replacements still. The Neurologist tried me on Neurotin and the tremors increased significantly. So I'm banned from that which is too bad because it really helped with my pain in my hands. He is trying me now on Bacoflen, which is for MS or spinal cord injuries. For the first time in I cannot remember, I have hours now when I don't have something tremoring. I didn't realize how much it was happening before. I'm still building up on the dose for that.

But I don't understand why the Neurologist isn't doing more tests. I also had the evaluation by the PT on Friday. He said I have a lot of MS symptoms, i.e., my left leg won't lift itself. The weakness and ability to walk come and go. It drives me crazy.

What do they give you for the combination? My doctors just keep telling me they are sorry, but they can't do any more. This is not a satisfactory answer to me.


I have braces, splints, cane. I am on Lyrica and Clonazepam for some of the nerve issues (burning sensations, tingling/numbness, L'hermittes).  My specialist said they really don't have anything for the tremors, the nerve meds don't do the trick all the time either.  I just try to refocus, its hard sometimes, I know, I guess after having RA/FMS/CTS and other issues I kinda got used to some of the symptoms. I am supposed to start PT soon, I'm waiting for paperwork.  I hope this helps.


It does help understand why I'm getting the response I am from the doctors. But it is so discouraging. MS to me is so much scarier than RA.


I know MS can be discouraging and scary, as with any disease, we don't know whats going on inside our bodies. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that we can make those bad days just a little better when refocus on something we like to do (puzzles, soduku, crosswords, reading), I pray the research continues, a cure is found, and we all can live pain free. Please smile :D. I see you are a senior member and I know no matter how long we live in discomfort you never get used to it, cry when you want, but laugh as much as you can. Thanks a lot Deanna for your information and time you share with others on this board.


