So where is my McDreamy? | Arthritis Information


Ok Mr. McDreamy..anytime now!

I'll take a "Mc" anything....

Except McDonalds....


I want mine McRich, McHandsome, McPatient, McIntelligent.... you know I'm never going to get what I want because they never get the order quite right.

Wonder what I can get at Wendy's. Oh, that's do what taste right....does sounds really wierd... I guess I could try Burger King where they do it your way...just keep that strange king looking creature away from me. He really freaks me out.

OMG Deanna, me too.  He is soooo weird and why is he always in bed with everyone???


Yeah, it does make one wonder. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to face a whopper since they started that ad campaign. Hey, if every fast food joint got a creepy spokesfreak we would
all lose some weight!

Now there's some thinkin. Let's all infiltrate the major chains by obtaining high ranking positions in sales and advertising. Then we'll get together on what creepy spokesman to use...


eww that Burger King guy freaks me out too! I won't est there anymore, all I can invision is that king guy grossing me ou tlike some really weird Halloween costume!

I still want my McDreamy! Mcbald works for me.... just so he is McNice!

*giggles* or McNaughty! *wink*hehe, you guys are SO funny!!!!    