ELISA Method? | Arthritis Information


Reading my medical records has been quite interesting. For one thing, on standard blood work-ups, my rheumatoid factor has not been high. However, when I began seeing my [now-former] rheum. again in February, he ordered a rheumatoid factor test using the ELISA Method and the RF IgG was high (more than double the normal range). Since he never told me about this test (and never discussed the results with me), I'm not quite sure what they mean. Some Google research leads me to believe that this is a more accurate way to test for the rheumatoid factor. Are any of you familiar with this?hmmm...I have heard of it before...but I am not sure where or in what context..I dont think it was related to RA though..maybe it is just something I have stuffed back in my brain from microbiology or something...I will look up on it, let me know if you learn more. I am interested now.

Oh wow..lol..my brain cells are still working..


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