Soooooo Tired :- ( | Arthritis Information


Would anyone like to bring me breakfast and coffee in the morning before work??  (tee hee)  Just kidding, but would'nt it be great to have a knock on the door when you firt get up and have someone standing there holding a breakfast tray??

Well going to try to go get some sleep.  Going to take an ambien t o see if I can get some deep sleep.

Good Night I hope that you get the rest that you need How is that we are so tired all the time but we can't sleep?  Ugh it bites!!!

I really hope you got some sleep. 

What I so wish for you (besides sleep) is that God would send someone special (or more than special) that would become this greatest companion in the world for you and would look after you and make you laugh lots and lots.

Try shopping on line!  Much easier and takes a lot less energy!

I hope you are feeling a bit better today.  I know it really wears on a person when you constantly feel sick and tired.

Love and hugs-hope the breakfast faerie showed up and when he is done, could you send him to my house?

p.s. no breakfast faerie...yet anyway.
