Any suggestions | Arthritis Information


Good Morning or maybe not so good for me....I am wondering if any of you have had experience with this....

I have Ra (of course) and have been treating for over a year....and so far no amazing results....I was in a clinical trial for Orencia....and rather high dose of methotrexate but they had to take me out after only 5 or six months because it knocked the heck out of my liver counts

Now I take arava 20 mfg and am taking ebrel  so far not alot of success.....I went to the rheumo on Thursday because of pain in the back of my knee....they sent me for cat scan to be sure it was not a blood clot and it was not...(I am kind of proactive and since I didnt hear from the doc I went and got my x ray report myself) and thank God there is no clot!!!  I also tried to get the results of my blood tests and the lab wouldnt give them to me....because "they belong to the doctor"  I think not !!!!!! they are my medical records and under HIPPA belong to me....we left because I wasnt up to a big fight or scene hopefully I will get results today....ANYWAY I need to ask if anyone had had trouble with thier big toe

 Any ideas on what to do



Hi there gramma, i get a lot of pain in my big toes, the joints are also bumpy and swollen and very hot and shiney, i was tested for gout but came back negative so mine is just the RA. I would see your doctor just incase.RA does affect the feet too, i battle to stand on mine after a nights sleep, i feel like i have run a marathon in high heel shoes.

RA affects every joint in the body...even those on your toes. Mine was worse...the pads on the bottom of my feet were affected...I walked like an old man of 80 at age 49.
Thankfully under control now with MTX.

Do see the doctor and make sure he knows things just aren't working. But also ask him to really examine both your toe and the knee, especially the back part of the knee as this often develops a myriad problems from torn ligaments, nodules etc and they require a MRI to see. Although you did say you had a CAT scan.

Keep pushing your doctor to find a complete answer. Xrays are good for general diagnosis, but they can't see soft tissue damage. They are cheap though, but sometimes you have to go with the expense of a MRI. It might also mean time with the PT.

If they suspected a blood clot, maybe they should refer you to a vascular specialist. Just stay proactive, keep asking questions and whip them all into shape.

My toes hurt a lot as well.  So do my fingers, wrists, knees, hips, ankles and jaw!

I find that heat really helps my sore joints.  You can get a wax spa big enough for your feet relatively cheap at bed, bath and beyond.  I also have three separate heating pads I wrap myself up in!

Those of course are just temporary fixes, you need to talk to your doc about some different medications.


My right big toe is a mess. When everything else is fine, that still hurts.

It was issues with my toes that finally sent me to the RD.   

 Pay attention to your toes, because if you are over compsenating for the pain in your feet you can throw your whole body off balance and make your knees, hips and spine hut more.

Hi Gramma,

Have a look at this site and I am sure you will find a tremendous support for pain.

After 12 years of RA I have tried MTX, Prednisone and sorts of drugs for pain.

With this kind of enzymes I am just with 5 mg of MTX and I hope to reduce even more.

Take care with what you eat, No food with aditives, Dairy products,

soft driks, sugar, cakes ( just made by yorshelfs ) .

Eat food as more natural as posible. Eating natural is the secrect.

God bless you

thank you helps to feel you are not alone

