RA Sushi has a BLOG?!?! | Arthritis Information


That's right folks! So until we get the board up and about, check it out, I'll be sure to keep you folks updated!


YAY 4 BLOGGING!!!   Blogging is very cathartic!For the risk of sounding "computer stupid" what is sushi and what is a blog??????????????????????  i know how to turn this machine on, search and type , oh yes and emailLOL A blog is an online journal of sorts...but I imagine this blog will end up something more like a newsposting. Click the link and read. Sushi, or RA Sushi, is a board made by people with RA and run by people with RA. It's very friendly and easy to use. Keep watch, we'll post the link as soon as it's ready!!!

Thanks. I will watch this space. I really must brush up on my computer knowledgeSo the plan is to have a fresh post everyday. I can't guarantee what time the post will be made, but I promise to post you something new and interesting every day!! :) Keep it bookmarked! Til the board is up and running can people email you topic suggestions?Sure! Any help would be great!



If you have a suggested topic such as info on an old or new med, exercise, nutrition...new research that you want to know more about....whether it is a question you want an answer to, or you found info that you think is news-worthy...please email it to

arriscolwell@gmail.com or racrunchy@yahoo.com and we will gladly see what we can do...there is also a link on this blog spot for you to set up YOUR OWN blog where you can keep an online journal for either your own private use or to share. This is a free service and if you choose to share it, you may link it on the sushi message board.

Alrighty guys...I'm on my way to work and planning on a new blog post...be looking for one sometime late this afternoon (5pm at the latest)


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