Stopping MTX | Arthritis Information


Hello, Im not new to the boards just havent posted in awhile.

I have had RA since 02 and have been on mtx and prednisone,darvocet,vicoden and enbrel. I just recently

stopped the mtx because my hair was thinning so badly. Question is has anyone experienced this side effect and stopped the meds

how soon did you notice your hair growing back or will it grow back at all?




You should notice your hair growing back very soon.  Within a few weeks in fact.

The trouble is you are going to have a rebound flare from just stopping MTX.  It may take anywhere from 3-6weeks.  But you are gonna feel like you are in the flare from you know where.

Please, please tell your Dr what have done!  Your Dr may be willing to help with tapering your dose of MTX to help minimise the flare.



do what i did...GET a short sassy haircut and it's not noticable!THAT'S WHAT I'm doing tomorrow...getting another hair cut!


I did call my doctor and I told her that I stopped it and

she didnt seem to mind. Im hoping that the enbrel and the other meds will be alright. I know that you dont have to take the mtx with the enbrel. Maybe I will taper myself I was on 5 pills a week so I guess I should go week to week until it is gone. How soon will I expect a flare if I dont taper? I just stopped this week.






As I said Tara 3 - 6 weeks.  MTX is a long acting sort of drug.  It takes weeks for it to start working and weeks before you have a noticable flare when you stop taking it.

Just be aware that there will be a a period of time when you are gonna feel awful.  Like just in time for the 4th of July... 

Be kind to yourself when/if you flare.  It's not in your head, you really will notice a difference.  Although Enbrel should mitigate the effects somewhat.
