getting exercise | Arthritis Information


I was thinking of getting one of those bikes for some exercise has anybody tried that??I need to drop some weight but scared cause last time I exercised I had major issues anybody have a good idea???How are your knees? A bike is hard on the knees. I have a treadmill and it is really helpful. I can just hook it up and go for a slow comfortable stroll. no uneven ground no stress on the kneees.I agree the treadmill is better if your knees are bad. I had an exercise bike and ended up in agony, even on an easy setting. The treadmill is great on a slow stroll especially with some headphones and good music.An exercise bike is low impact whereas a treadmill is high impact and worse overall if you are doing a full run.

If your knees are an issue I don't think either of them are a good choice unless you walk, rather than run, on a treadmill.

Also try looking at an elliptical machine. It has the motion of running but is low impact.

Whatever you choose, you might want to test them at a gym before you buy to make sure they are comfortable for you.

No I have no problems with me knees its mostly my ankles my right ankle is to the point where know when i walk it pops constantly I am waiting for my rhuemy to get back from his vacation so he can send me go get and xray to see how bad it got but I need to start somewhere.


Thank you

I prefer the elliptical.  As your feet never really come off the pads, there is less impact on both knees and ankles.  I bought one at Dicks sporting goods about 4 years ago for 0.  before I got sick, I would do 6 miles a day.  Now, its a clothes rack!

It turned into a clothes rack anyway. It is boring! I know I keep saying this, but if you have access to a pool swimming is a really great exercise! Not only have I lost 10 pounds from swimming one kilometre a week, it does a lot to help my depression, mobility and pain. Swimming is the lowest impact exercise there is. When I'm in the water my pain goes away and I feel great! After I swim 1000 metres I go hang out in the steam room as my reward. If I do not go swimming at least once a week, I start to feel more stiff and more parts of my body hurt. I go to a pool that's treated with ozone instead of chlorine and it's wonderful. There is also a warm pool there which I barely use, but I would if I were in worse condition. I heart swimming! Gimpy-a-gogo39056.6326851852


I used to go swimming but was told that it's not the panacea it's made out to be, if you do breast stroke it's actually bad for your back, neck, chest joints. You need to do front crawl to get benefit. I can't go any more as my fear of being underwater stops me from doing front crawl properly. If you are not too confident I would recommend a few lessons, any qualified instructor should be able to give you hints on your technique that will stop you from damaging yourself. Of course swimming is an excellent way of getting low/no impact cardio-vascular exercise BUT only if you do the right stroke and do it properly. I now have a mini-eliptical trainer thingie and it's good but still hurts my poor feet if I do too much - incidentally there's been research in the news here in the UK that several short periods of exercise (eg 3 lots of 10 minutes) are just as effective as one long one so I try to do 10 mins morning and evening with a couple of short walks (5-10 mins) during the day.


I think it's just the moving around that makes me feel better. I was doing the breast stroke a bit until my physiotherapist told me not to. Now I just do the front crawl. 

Walking my dog about 3 miles a day, and yoga.  I'm up to about 1 hr a day of yoga and I love it.  It makes me feel so much better, physically and mentally.


Since September, I've been participating in an Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program at a local sports club (not a chain, just one club in my area). It has helped so much in being able to do exercises in the water that no way could I do out of the water. It focuses on mobility, and building up core strength. We work out in a heated outdoor pool where the deepest water is about 4 1/2 feet. You don't need to know how to swim at all to take the class. Since walking used to be my exercise of choice but now is too painful, I find this water exercise to be just right for me.See I am a waitress I am on my feet for 8-10 hours a day and oh boy I have no energy the next morning.  I do try but then I have problems with my ankles so I thought a bike might help.I sure do wish there was a gym with a pool here that sucks.