I think .... | Arthritis Information


I think JUNK FOOD makes my JRA, act better. It seems like when I try to cut out junk foods -- candy, cakes, sweets, ect -- that my JRA feels worse.

Yeah, I think the sugar makes me ole bones & immune system feel good!


I say whatever gets you through the day!!!  I definitely have a HUGE sweet tooth and  huge waist line to prove it!

I LOVE me some Sonic! Onion rings and cranberry limeaide!

I like those chedder peppers but their burgers suck.never tired those - chedder peppersMMMM.....sonic.....I love the chili cheese tots!

Ok that settles it! I am going to go use my last .50 on something from Sonic! Who cares if it will make me literally broke! Oh too bad they do not take Wal-Mart gift cards! I have .79 left on one of them from where I took back some of son's Christmas to have money for hubby to buy his work food for the next 2 weeks. And then I also have .67 in my checking account, but that needs to stay in there, do not want to over-draft and get charged , as I will not have any money in there until Jan

Ok just need to talk hubby into taking me to Sonic and letting me spend my money. I miss Sonic!  They had them in Tucson but none here in WI.
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