OWIEEEEEEE | Arthritis Information


Got the packing pulled out this afternoon. OMG. Let me tell you. Next time that happens, if the Dr offers to numb the area first, I WILL TAKE HIM UP ON IT!

O.M.G. That was THE MOST painful thing I have ever experienced!! The Dr felt really bad, but I mean, hey, it was really my fault. It just didn't hurt that much the last time. Guess he packed it better!!

It's still oozing...I think. My arm is all wrapped up, and I'm not peeling the tape of until tomorrow...too tender.

I need some valium or something. What a day.

RD visit was good....still no "for sure" on whats wrong with me. The ONLY consistent thing is my heart rate is constantly 90-120 bpm. Which is pretty fast, but my BP is low. I don't feel like I'm having an anxiety attack....I'm kind ticked today, but that came after I got home. (stupid family issues....ugh. my parents sent me an "official we are disowning you" letter. Idiots)

What a day. More blood tests, and I see the RD again in a week. We'll see what happens then.
sorry (((((((HUGS)))))))OH I am so sorry!!! Midge....((((hugs))).  I am a parent and have been really put thru the wringer lately by my oldest daughter.  But I would never disown her.  How can a parent do that?  I just don't get it.  I am so sorry you are going thru this.  OMG. That's insane!!! I'm so sorry hun :( Crazy crap. Makes ya wonder. *sigh* You need some hugs. *SUPER HUG* OMG I'm so insane today. I'd so cheer you up if you were near. LoL
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