being so tired | Arthritis Information


I was wondering you all know how we get this wonderful fatigue does anybody have any good tips that help them out for some energy through the day besides coffee.  Oh I love coffee especially with the french vanilla in it.  Its weird because ill be fine all day but as soon as the caffiene is wearing of I get grumpy go figure.  What do you do during the day to help you to keep going???????????I almost posted the exact same question tonight! I'm wondering if the change in weather & light is exacerbating my fatigue. I've been sleeping more knowing that lack of sleep is a sure trigger for a flare-up, but I'm still so darned tired.

I've been trying to not rely on the caffeine too much, but couldn't stay away from it today (not that it helped - I was still draggy).

For me, getting enough exercise helps keep my energy up, but as you all know, it's a tough balancing act (too much exercise makes my joints hurt even more, not enough makes me feel even more tired. If I'm draggy it's hard to get motivated to exercise).

MMMMM cooooooooooooooffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! LOL.  Put some hot chocolate in your coffee with the french vanilla creamer and that is yummy too. 

Exercise, trying to get enough sleep every night (HA!), diet can play a big part in fatigue, and just really listening to your body when it says to rest.  Take things slow and easy. 

Some days are better than others, mostly rely on diet coke and coffee. I rest, do a bit then rest again. I would prob feel better if I were to get back into water aerobics......time will tell.


One more thing, be careful with the caffeine, it can have a rebound effect and make you really sleepy!But I really like coffee but you are right even after i drink like a pot of coffee i am still sleepy.I only have a cup of coffee in the morning. I have cut out all
other caffeine. At first it was really hard, but now I sleep better at
night. I also (try) to exercise a little bit every day. When I do I am
exhausted at bedtime but sleep much better and wake up
rested. I know it's hard with the cold weather and aching joints,
but it does help.

I  usually have a cup of coffee around 7 am then go back to sleep for 45 minutes or an hour (depending on when the baby gets here) that seems to help with fatigue.

I also keep the house as quiet as possible. I've found  the kids get louder and more rambunctious if regular tv is on during the day so now I only have "new age" music playing quietly. Noise just exhausts me.

I  try to take a breather about lunch time too.

Also I go to bed early. I am generally in bed about 9 pm. not necessarily asleep but we are lying down and ready to sleep by then.

Check out today's sushi blog, it's all about fatigue!

shameless plug, I KNOW....sorry

Try a Monster beverage, green can. Works for me.Exercise really helps me. If I exhaust myself, I sleep better and only wake up once at night as opposed to waking up several times and not falling asleep again. I went off caffeine but found decaf tea at lunch helps me as well as one or two cups of decaf coffee in the morning. If you can get a good night's sleep, you'll have less fatigue the next day. Try a hot bath right before you go to bed. Also, a nutritious snack mid afternoon can boost energy. Finally, if you can at all afford to do it, reduce your workload. I couldn't handle full time work any more due to fatigue, but now that I'm half time I do much better.


