Weight Loss | Arthritis Information


Hi - I was wondering if anyone besides me is on the heavy side?  If so, maybe you would like to get a support system going?  I started Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago and I think it would be neat to support each other if there are others trying to lose weight.



Hi there!  I am in TX too!  I started WW online about 4 wks ago.  I think it would be fun to compare our progress.  I've got about 40# to lose to get back to a healthy weight.  I am a WW Lifetime member but waaay over goal...lol  This time I am losing for my health and for some reason that kinda takes away some of the pressure.  Hope to hear from you soon....happy WW'ering!

That would be neat!  I agree that losing for health takes away the pressure.  This week I gained 1.2lbs and I keep telling myself that it is okay - I am changing my lifestyle for the better.  In the past when I gained anything I would get discouraged and quit.

I have about 65 to 70 pounds to lose to get to a healthy weight -

Which part of Texas are you in?  I'm in West Texas - Talk to you soon

I'm doing okay with WW but I did gain 1.2 last week.  I weigh in again in the morning.  Overall, I am down about 16 pounds.  Unfortunately I still have quite a bit to go. 

I have decided to change my eating habits to be healthly and if I loose weight, well that's great.  I'm not setting unrealistic goals for myself (which I have a habit of doing

Well, hang in there and good luck! Talk to you soon

I had weigh in at WW today - I lost 1.6

My main goal is to eat healthy and try to keep this tired body as healthy as possible.

Do you do any type of exercise?  I've just started walking a couple of times a week but I know I need to do more than just that.

Well, hope you have a great week

Yes, I do mean Victoria TX...do you know it?  How many miles from there are you? 

Hope you have a really good week, WW and RA-wise!  Talk to you soon!

I'm with you on not losing weight to be skinny - I've been there and done that - - I'm determined this time to lose it and keep it off at a reasonable weight to save my knees also.  My last RD appt she told me that my right knee had worsened in the past 8 weeks

Well, I hope that you also have a great week - talk to you soon

Hey, we just rented "Friday Night Lights"...I am 90 miles from Houston.  Victoria is another 35 miles from me.  My RD is in Stafford, just outside Houston. 

At my last RD appt she told me she thought I would have to have my left knee "cleaned out" again pretty soon

I haven't done very good with WW this week.  Our anniversary  (32nd!) was the 10th, our Granddaugher's 5th b-day party was the 12th and Valentine's Day today...lol  We ate out yesterday for V-day so I am back on track this morning!  Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day...talk to you soon!  Jeri


That's too funny - Our 7th anniversary was today! (Valentine's day)  We went out to eat yest too because after work I am usually to tired.

I have been very blessed and haven't had to have any surgery on any of my joints.  Before RA I was very active and did lots of weight lifting.  At one point, I went to the gym three mornings a week and did taekwondo three evenings a week and then went dancing, played volleyball, touch football, etc in between - I really think the weight lifting when I was healthy helped to strengthen my joints -

I also have been blessed to have RD's that were very aggressive even when they weren't 100% sure that it was RA so I only have minimal damage from RA.  I do have OA in both hips and knees that came from the RA starting the damage and then the oa continued it after getting the RA under control

I'm with you on the doing anything I can to delay any type of surgery on my knees

Well, I hope you had a great valentine's day and have a great week.

God Bless


My goodness, I haven't been here in a long time....I don't recognize anyone! How long since anyone has posted? If anyone recognizes me, let me know!!

Hi lynnie -

I think I recognize your name - I went by marcy before AI died and then when it came back, decided I needed a change


Hi there, I was a "lurker" at AI also.  When AI went down I thought I was gonna lose my mind...lol  Hope to "visit" with you all more often this time around...take care!

hello guys:

I would like to lose weight too, but need lots of encouragement.  I wanted to do the WW thing because I heard from several at my church that it works very well, but i just dont have the money to do it right now.  So for right now i am just going to work on eating healthier.  Staying away from sugary snacks and drinks.  Just keep encouraging me to stay on this track.  I have a Rheumatoligist appointment April 21 and would like to lose 5 to 7lbs by then.  If anyone knows of any free or very low cost (yeah right





Hi all!

This is my first time doing anything like this!  I have had RA for about 5 yrs and have gone through quite a bit. The RA  is mainly in my feet but I need to exercise and lose lots of weight. I am joining in with you all!  If you have foot, ankle, balance problems let me know!

God Bless


I can do all things through Christ..


Hey there...I just joined the forum yesterday, but am glad to know I'm not the only one to struggle with weight.  I have always been tiny, but since getting sick 4 years ago, and unable to exercise as I could in the past, plus all the yucky drugs that cause water retention etc, I am now 30 pounds more than I've ever been in my life.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and wonder who that person is.

Does anyone have suggestions for weight loss when exercise options are so limited due to serious inflammation in all my joints right now.


I joined the forum this morning. I too have been suffering with arthritis for four years and have gained weight. Recently I have lost weight by eliminating sugar and white flour from my diet. There is a support group for this withdrawal, ( for I am addicted ), called Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, headquarters in Malden MA, phone 781 321 9118. famail@aol.com. So if you"love sweets" and think you overeat these elements, there is group help out there.

Just logged into the forum and as it is a weigh in day on WW and my weight loss on the new Switch is pathetically small I would like to buddy up with you all.

I am on Humira and feeling very well but the weight loss as I said is a mere 200 grams per week or 4 - 5 oz.  So I am not putting on and I know losing is better than gaining however small if I am eating good food.  Exercise is sometimes painful due to RA and my new shoulder so would love to have your support

Hey all just wanted to check in with u guys.  I joined WW last week and today was my weigh in and i lost 9.5 lbs.  I feel so good and hope that it continues.  I am still looking for a diet buddy though. 

I am trying to lose weight too, 80 lbs, all of which I put on while taking that love-hate med prednisone.

Its really hard to lose weight when you have to be so careful of your stomach. I can use any encouragement I can get. All my life I have been slim, so this has been really, really hard for me to deal with.

Anyway I love the idea of having other people with arthritis to give support and encouragement. I definitely want to join you.

P.S. I don't live in Texas, although I was born there.


It's so hard is'nt it?  I was just thinking today that I really need to get with a healthier program.  I have also gained alot of weight, not from pred, just from eating poorly and lack of exercise.  I use to treadmill everyday and could pretty much eat as I wanted, but then the extreme fatigue hit about a year ago (maybe the prelude to the ra, I don't know) but I just could not get on that dumb treadmill to save my life.  Well that fatigue then, is nothing to the fatigue I'm having now, but I really want to try and lose some of this weight I've put on.  Like you say it will alleviate alot of the pressure on hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Maybe we could check in with, and encourage eachother to stick to whatever works for us.  I know I need to start drinking water again, I felt better and my skin looked better when I was drinking my 8 a day. 

Barb, I have a question I was going to post, maybe you could help. I am very newly diagnosed and have felt pretty fortunate after reading all of the posts that the pain I have is painful, but livable.  The onset of my pain was about 3 months ago in my hips and the rest of my joints joined in about 1 1/2 mos ago.  The last few days I notice the pain is much more intense than it has been, I'm having alot of trouble with stairs and my hands hurt really bad at times.  What I am wanting to know is this.....when a medication is working should there be no pain?  Or should I always expect some degree of pain.  Also does the pain continue to escalate as it is over a  period of time?  I guess the pain I am having the past few days is beginning to scare me a little.  I wonder will that horrible pain in my hands be everywhere and nonstop soon, or when I'm on the correct med will the pain be gone or just well controlled?

Anyway I would love to check in here and keep each motivated while trying to lose weight.

I'll watch for your reply


Hiya Pam

I was Diagnosed with RA last May so I have had it for a year.  I have pain off an on even with the medicine especially when rain and thunderstorms are in the forecast.  But my rheumatologist says that the meds are working because i am not as swollen as I was before.  So I think there is some degree of pain we are going to have at certain times.  I joined WW two weeks ago and it seems to work great so far.  I have lost 9.5lbs.  If u want we can encourage each other.  Also if u want I can send u the WW info.  Let me know.  If u have yahoo messengar mine is i_love_my_teddybear29 or aol messengar is cyndig1973. Hope to talk to you soon




Cyndi G


Hi Cyndi,

Wow!! 9 1/2 lbs that's fantastic!

I hope your day went well and your feeling good. 

Thanks for wanting to be a buddy


Hi Pam,

First of all don't panic.

They judge the success of a med by the numbers of joints that are swollen and painful. If the swelling goes down or maybe disappears thats a good sign, even if you are still having some pain and stiffness. My arthritis has always been aggressive, so even though MTX and now Enbrel have helped me a lot, they never prevented me from having pain and flares. I judged the success by the fact that the pain was much less, controlled by pain med, the flares were not nearly as often and they weren't nearly as bad. I am currently taking Enbrel, Imuran, Celebrex and Prednisone.

Like you I am going to try increasing my intake of water. I know that I don't drink enough water. I am also going to decrease my portion size, use a small plate instead of a dinner plate.I will try to limit my intake of sweets, they are my downfall. I got a sweet tooth from my dad.

Cyndi, by all means join in and give posts of your progress, forward


Thanks for the encouragement.  I also need to drink more water and it is hard for me to do being i work in an italian kitchen and am around soda all day long.  It is so easy to just grab one and drink in the dishroom.  So if you could just encourage me to drink drink drink lots of water and also stay away from the sweets.

Thanks, cyndi


Hi Barb,

I'm so glad your here! 

Yes, I just had my first apt with the RD last week.  My MD had gone ahead and started me on Disalcid about a month ago because my RF was positive and my prev history pretty much told the story. I have had HBP  since I was 19 yrs old (now 44) and this med she knew to be a safe one until we could get ins approval and apt with rheumy. My RD said that she chose the correct med because of my BP, but did not start me on a high enough dosage.  He said he is going to increase it weekly to the max and see how I do.  He feels that within 3 - 6 mos he will have me on Plaquenil but his first choice would be to see how I respond to the max dose of the Disalcid.

What was your onset like?  having read many of your posts and seeing the list of meds your on, I see like you say your RA is persistant and aggressive.  Did it start off strong?  At what rate did the symptoms progress?  I hope it's okay to ask, I think I'm starting to worry alot. Somebody actually asked me how long I had before I become disabled.

I seem to sleep pretty well at the moment.  I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with something or other stiff and hurting, but I'm always so darn tired.  I manage to fall back to sleep pretty good.

Well I have to say I LOVE SWEETS TOO!!! 

So I'll try my best tomorrow and let you girls know how it goes.

Thankyou Barb, your posts are always kind and comforting. woops I almost forgot about Jason and whats her face

Well Cyndi, Barb good luck to us all tomorrow.  Drink your waters and just remember......

I hope you sleep well friends,


Hi Pam S,

I just had to say Hi! 

Not only do we have similar names, but from your posts, it sounds like we struggle with alot of similar stuff such as high BP, RA, and unwanted pounds.  I am 50 and have had RA for 4 and a half years now.  I am not dieting at the moment, which is unusual for me.  It seems like I am always dieting.

I have had success with WW in the past and plan to head back there and to the pool to exercise as soon as I get my cast off (in a couple weeks).  Hope to talk to you all later as I also try to eat healthy and drop more than a few pounds.

Take care,

Pam  (The other PamS)

By the way, I live in Texas in the DFW area.


The next time someone asks you how long you have before you are disabled, tell them "about the same length of time you have." Then smile.

I don't mind being asked questions about my arthritis. Ask away, no question is dumb, so don't worry. My arthritis started out aggressive and has stayed that way. Because I opted to treat it aggressively using strong meds, I have saved myself a lot of joint damage. Considering the length of time I have had arthritis, 24yrs, I am in good shape.

I have had 5 neck fusions, 1 was a redo.

I have had 1surgery on my rt thumb. I'm having the lt thumb done on June 2. They take out a wrist bone and do a tendon transfer, taking the tendon from the forearm. Then they will fuse the middle joint. They didn't do the fusion on the rt thumb, so I have to go back later and have that done. I told the surgeon I wasn't too happy having to have another surgery on my rt thumb, he was supposed to fuse it then. Drs

Time for my nap. If you want to know more, just ask away.So far so good today on my eating healthy.


My day went pretty good too as far as eating well, but the water

Cyndi, how did you do with the water?  You probably do pretty good as it's part of the ww regimen I would think.

Hi Pam S, nice to meet you.  Yes Barb, it is like the Twilight Zone du du du du.  My husband will be very worried to know that there is antoher Pam S lerking about the globe.  I live in California. Sorry to hear about your wrist...sounds painful.  I hope it's on the mend.

Barb, Wow lots of hugs to you.

Well my goal was the water and I totally failed.  I drank 2 glasses of ice tea and a diet coke

Okay maybe I'll make my goal 4 waters tomorrow and we'll see how that goes.

Cyndi, what day do you go to your ww meeting? keep us posted so we can cheer you on.

Take care friends, I think I'll check in on the posting about

"whats her face" ...............................ESTER!

I'll check with you later,



Hey guys,

I dont go to a ww meeting.  I do it all online for now. and the water went so so today.  I need to pick up on it more though.  Have been really tired today.  I am really sore in the hands.  Prolly due to the rain that is to be coming late tonight or early in the morning.  Will keep in touch.  Take care all.


Love ya,



Hi  Cyndi,

I hope today is a better day for you. I actually drank some water


I'll check in again later, feel better,


Its hard to drink 8 glasses of water when its been raining off and on the past couple of days. Its so much easier when the sun is shining. I'm trying, I'm trying.


How are we going to tell Pam S from Pam S? I know I'm confused.


Hi Girls,

Well did okay with the water, but still not 8.  I think I could drink more if I was'nt so darn tired.  All these naps seriously cut into the drinking time.  I have always been an early riser, never take a napper and do do do all dayer.  Wow, have things changed.  This fatigue is really hard to deal with.  I still get up early, but by 9 am I'm ready to disolve into a puddle of tired

Barb, I don't know how we'll tell us apart.  I'm lucky, I can do it cause I know I'm me. I joined in April, am newly diagnosed (so I'll probably have some newbie questions) I am in Calif and the other Pam S is in Texas.  So when I'm posting here I guess I can sign out Pam in Ca.

I'm sure I have'nt lost any weight, been eating to much for that to happen.  Trying though to make healthier choices.  Need to cut some calories though, for sure.

Have a good nite and eat and drink healthy tomorrow!

Pam in Ca

Well, I'm doing so, so. Thursday I felt really, really bad, everything hurt, so I indulged in 3 cupcakes. 3 cupcakes are not recommended for weight loss. Friday was somewhat better, I had my Enbrel on Thurs and so I was starting to feel better. No cupcakes and 6 glasses of water on Friday.

I'm starting to think the Enbrel is losing its effectiveness for me. The last few weeks I've started to flare-up the day before my shot and continue on the day of my shot. I didn't have that problem before, I was on an even keel until recently. I have taken Enbrel since 98 when it first came out. I don't want to change anything until after my hand surgery on the 2nd of June.

Its sunny today so it yard work for me. I love to putter in the flowers.

Have a great weekend everyone. 



Hi Barb,

That sounds great...the cupcakes I mean...just kidding

Sound like you did well on Friday.  Seems you just have to go day by day.  I'm finding that out quickly.  I'll have a couple of good days and think wow the NSAIDS are helping maybe that will do it for me.  Then I'll wake up the next day and feel like I've been run over by the biggest truck EVER!!!!!

Should be very hot here today too, reports say about 100 degrees.  I'm glad, I really like the heat these days.

Well I'm gonna go have some water...or maybe 2 cupcakes

Hi Cyndi, hope your doing good!

Have a good weekend, check in soon,

Pam Ca

I can't drink water unless it has crystal light in it.  I tried that and it helps me drink 1.5 liters not sure how many glasses that equals. RMaria38495.5012731481When I first was diagnosed I weighed 135lbs, I now weigh 265 so I am 2x the woman I used to be (lol).  Seriously, I need a buddy to help me though this.  I know I will feel better if I lose the weight but my Dr has told me not to even walk on a tread mill, he gave me a letter to put my gym membership on hold.  I always felt that the best/safest way to lose weight and be healthy was to manage your diet with exercise.  If I can't exercise how am I going to do this?

Hi Maria

Welcome!!  I know, I was always able to keep my weight down with exercise too.  I've got to try to start walking.  Dr said okay for me to walk, but no treadmill either.  That was my exercise of choice for a long time.  I am so darn tired I just can't get myself going, also aside from the pain, my knees in particular feel very weak.

Are you on Pred?  I think that also makes it very hard  to lose.  I think I better get started losing before I get  put on something like that...... that worries me a little.  Maybe I'll give the crystal light a try too.

We usually check in every day or so and see how each other are doing, I know we'd all love for you to join in if you would like.

Take care,


Count me in!

Hi gals,

My husband is getting my bicycle ready for Summer. Most Drs. will let you ride a bike, stationary or otherwise. I myself like the otherwise. Bike riding is ok because its non-weight bearing. That saves the knees. Its something you might consider. Two other possibilities for exercise are gardening and swimming, warm water of course.

Well I didn't eat 3 cupcakes today.

This prednisone is murder for me.

I always find it easier to follow good eating practices when I am under good pain control. Obviously I'm not there right now.


Well, I have ventured down to the bottom of the message forum...lol...and found this!!

I really do need to lose some of my weight, maybe my feet would not hurt as much??

When I was 18yrs old I weighted 118lbs. Then at 19 I became pregnant, and Post-baby I weighted 133lbs. Then I got put on prednisone 2 years after giving birth to my daughter. Up until last year before I got pregnant with my son I weighted 155lbs. I gained only 11lbs while I was pregnant. Post-preggo weight 158lbs.

I think I have come up with that I gain an average of 4 lbs. a year...lol.

I do not eat right. The only time I ever ate anything close to right was when I was preggos. As soon as I gave birth I was eating sweets and more sweets and cokes.

When I was preggos I drank only water. I was trying to not get UTIs and succeeded! And I ate right because I did not want to be a 200lb preggo.

But now I have NO motivation to drink water or to eat right. I was going to start exercising before my insurance got lost *rolls eyes* I was going to try to loose some of my weight. But now I hurt to bad to even walk around in Wal-Mart...lol.

You would have to know hubby and me...lol. We are Wal-Mart freaks...lmao. We have been to every Wal-Mart to our knowledge within a 70 mile radius...lol.

We are going to start a group called WA - Wal-Mart Annonomous....lol. Motto: "There are more stores out in the world." Wal-Mart Freak thinks "You mean I missed a Wal-Mart!?"

Hey jooniper -

Did you know there's a Walmart in Bristol - UK?

I think if it was not for Wal-Mart, I would have gained more weight when I was pregnant, because I would not have exercising that much. See when I was pregnant I was able to walk around for hours and hardly anything hurt on me, but now I am lucky if I make it from one side of the store to the other without having to find one of the "old fogy" benches..lol.

I've been doing pretty good lately, think I may have lost a little. My pants seem to be looser. I'd rather go by that than weighing myself. I get weighed everytime I go to the Dr. One time I asked the nurse what she would say if I wouldn't get on the scale.


     Got some bad news and more bad news.  I kinda fell off the wagon on the diet thing.  Good news is i have not gained any, but have not lost any either.  Next set of bad news is the Dr. put me back on Pred two in the morning and two at night for 10 days then 2 every day.  Anyone know how to take Pred and not gain weight any suggestions would be welcomed.  I am really trying to hang in here, but it is getting quite rough.  Well gotta go will check in as often as i can.  Have a Great Day!!!!


Love Ya,




Hi cyndi

First of all




Well, went to the doc thursday and weighted and I weigh 146lbs.

I have been drinking all water....and no cokes....and my kidney's do feel better....and I have not been eating as many sweets..ok....ok...ok... I ate 2 maple donuts..today....but that is better then....the 3/day I was eating...



Love Ya,



[SIZE=4] Hi-so thankful I found ths buddy board for
weight loss. I am extremely overweight and need to
loose at least 60 lbs.    

I’m really trying to cut out sugar and flor for weight
loss and also becomve it wreaks havoc on my
immune system. I don’t belong to weight watchers,
but have started tracking my calories etc. No lunk
yet. I’m also on prednisone and that doesn’t seem
to help.

But sounds like you guys are doing well!!! What
great inspiration....I’ll be back.

Also...quick formatiing question...all my posts come
out so much thinner (margin wise) than everyone
else's...any thoughts on what I might be doing

Tara L -

Are you pressing "Enter" when you come to the end of the side of the reply? If so, that would be the reason why. If you just keep typing it will wrap around to the next line.

Hope that helps!

 Hey hope you guys don't mind if I post or read your insight as Santa could lose a little weight also !


                        OH what a world, what a world

 Please join in Santa, we need a little boost down here in the buddy system......kind of fizzled out a bit. Don't get too thin though.......it just would'nt be right.

Hi everyone,

Weight gain....on my mind 24 hours a day...I get so
discouraged that I end up eating more!! In the past 4
years I went from 140 to 190 (!)-this was before I
found out I had RA, but had major depression. Then
went down to 185, starting taking prednisone and
gained 15 lbs!!    Prednisone gives me the
munchies too; and ice cream has been very
seductive. So once again I am starting fresh
tomorrow. Going to try    to get up early and do some
stretches, and then walk some at lunch. And of
course eat less!! I have already packed grapes,
peaches and a banana and a salad. I am 47 and
really, really don't want to go another year this heavy.
I could really be enjoying things much more instead
of just hating myself for the way I look!!   

I know there is hope and I am determined to get
healthy!!! Best wishes to everyone & hang in there.



Hiya Tara,

     Hope things go well for you!!!  The Dr. has taken me back off prednisone due to every time i take it it makes me throw up.  The Dr. is still deciding what to put me on next.  So while he is decidint I am just swollen and in pain.  Not as much as when i was first diagnosed with RA but it is enough to stop some of my daily activities.  Hopefully he finds something soon.  I am really glad you joined Tara and good luck in the weight loss goal.  I am drinking more water, but still not enough.  Have to just keep after myself.  Well gotta go have to get ready for work.   Tallk to you all soon I hope.  Have a Great Day!!!


Love Ya,




Hi cyndi,

I'm so sorry your swollen and painful

I'm thinking of you and sure hope your doc gets this figured out quickly for you.

I'm thinking of you,


Hi Cyndi & everyone,

Sorry to hear you are hurting. Been there, done that.

I wish prednisone would make me throw up. I could eat the wallpaper off the wall. Yesterday I ate 2 cupcakes and could have eaten about a dozen. I'm doing better with the water.

Everyday is a new start with a clean slate. Yeah, yeah, yeah

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well and set to enjoy the weekend. I'm
starting again to try to take care of my weight       
I'm still weaning off prednisone but as hungry as
ever!    It's really amazing how my appetite has

Hopefully when I'm off prednisone it will get better... I
did start the on-line version of weight watchers
today. I'm hoping that recording everything I eat will
help   Also, trying to starting stretching and doing
a few exercises again...we'll see!

I hope you are all hanging in there and that you have
a wonderful weekend!

Tara L

Hiya Everyone,

     Was very busy this week with Teen Camp for our church.  I pushed myself too far everyday, but was worth it to see the teens have such a great time.  I have had two days to recover and am now getting to where the pain is miminal (spelled).  I have kept active on these two days to recovery, so i would not be sore and stiff.  Hopefully it is uphill instead of downhill from here.  Just got back from a marriage retreat today and it was great.  Time to kick myself back on the WW program and lose some of this weight.  I am even trying to get my husband involved.  Starting to do some changes around my household with my daughter (4) starting to sleep in her own bed and not on our bedroom floor so big prayers for that.  Well, gotta go have to wash her sheets so this will start tonight.  Have a Great weekend all.


Talk to you soon,




 Hey all , as some of you have known santa has been having some computer problems . well I THINK

Here is what I am doing and I DO NOT , REPEAT, DO NOT RECOMEND ANYONE TO DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please don't do this !!If you might do this STOP READING !! I am tired of the doctors not understanding the pain level I am in and them telling me I would feel better if I lost weight and although it will hurt I MUST exercise. Now I am 47 ( or 700 in santa yrs ) 5'10" and weigh 220 lbs so I am not light but I do not qualify for a subway commerical either !

Santa, glad to hear you got your computer working, even if for a short while!  Wanted you to know your post was very encouraging, because you are motivated!!

I too am 47 and am 5'1" and weigh 199 (WAS 185, but thanks to prednisone, it is now 199

Anyway, I just joined on-line weight watchers (ack!)  it's going to be hard

So thanks for sharing...(be careful with the alcohol

Blessings and have a great day.

Tara L


Thanks Tara , My post sounds a bit extreme ( did'nt seem so much last nite

I have not been drinking as much water...I ran out of water....lol. I only like to drink bottled drinking water...tap water tastes metally to me. And well yesterday I ate half of an Italian Creame Cake. So, not doing to well.

my name is allison. i have just been diagnosed with UCTD, (undifferientiated connective tissue disease). I am an athlete and have slowed down (i do it for a living) so it is natural for my weight, muscle mass to change, i realize... but in less than 2 months, i have gained 10 lbs and am very swollen. i am tiny, so anything on me is abnormal and painful. i think, it is not the disease as much as it is the newly prescribed meds i am on. if anyone can reflect on any of my thoughts, i would appreciate it! i'm not so sure that i have UTCD... or it is the only ammuno dysfunction plagueing me. i have nearly all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and TSH/ free T4 results, (3 months ago) withing normal ranges.

diagnosed glaucoma, open angle (non steriodal) was on timoptic, (beta blocker 2.5 months) that i believed worsened fatigue, caused weight gain and terrible depression i was having for 6 months prior due to UCTD/other. asked for another drop. mood seemed to improve and swelling improved, not totally. my breasts are both unusually enlarged and painful. this has been only for a week. timoptic?

opthamologist discovered i was not making tears, put me on reststasis. seemed to help burning after a few weeks. and was examined several times and said my eyes looked good. any of the side effects mentioned include cyclosporine/restasis? i am not tolerant of most meds and am affected easily.

on plaquenil for 6 weeks. it has helped my chronic  aches and pains and stiffness. i have had 2 positive, (weak) specked ANA results and a low C3 (74) and slighty elevated eosinophil levels, slighty low protein levels consistently, (4 months) everything else unremarkable. plaquenil does not seem to do anything noticable in the way of adverse side effects. maybe some mild stomach cramping in the beginning.

just before getting off of the timoptic, was so desperate, rheumatologist prescribed provigil. (been taking less than 1 week) i am a dancer/instructor. i have lost 80% of my work in last 3 months. 200 mg. made me a little edgy and anxious, so i use half the dosage and it seems to help fatigue and my outlook.

the back of my upper back, and my neck feels full and hot and thick and swollen, as well as my torso and chest. caffeine seems aggitate this. my left eye is always red and swollen. lately my right hand does not "work" well. pinky and ring finger just get stuck. in the beginning of all of this, i had 3 bouts of huge painful sores mouth, throat, terribly urinary problems, and of course, my eyes. any feedback is appreciated. no 2 specialists have diagnosed the same thing.


thank you,




i also have indoor cats and i sneeze a lot lately. it seems that i have a lot going on at once. very difficult to sort out cause.





Hi allison,

Welcome to the message board.  I am so sorry that you are feeling so badly and not getting much in the way of relief.  It is so frustrating to be sick and not be able to find anyone that can tell you with certainty what is wrong with you.  your symptoms sound like many of the symptoms you'll find here in the RA forum.

The rheumatoid arthritis forum is the busiest place here on the boards and I know everyone would love to hear your story and get to know you.  It would probably be a great idea to start a brand new thread in the RA forum introducing your self or just copy and paste this post. The "buddy system" does'nt get many visitors and I'm afraid you'll be overlooked here.

Everyone here is so warm and welcoming.  You will learn so much and make so many wonderful friends.  We all understand and can relate to each others struggles with  autoimmune disease.

I have to get my son to Tae Kwon Do, but wanted to say hi, welcome and ask you to come visit in the RA forum....I'll look for you there.

Please add my name to the list.  I weighed in at a 148 in 2001 and 5' 7", had 7 lbs to loose.  After dx of BC, treatments for that, I weighed in at 172.  Then RA hit...Put on Prednisone and went up to a whopping 192...Good Grief...What a de-moralizing time.  Managed to loose 14 lbs but never no more than that.  I know I am older now and it is harder to to loose weight after menopause and especially harder since the medication I take for BC ( Arimidex) takes away most of the estrogen that my body is making. but this is ridiculous...I exercise, till the cows come home, stopped using sugar in my tea, rarely have desserts and don't eat a whole lot of anything.  Still nothing more than a few lost pounds here and there.  And I mostly carry the weight in my FAT arms, never had that before.   HELP....
May we all have a pain free, pound less day....

i'm sorry you are feeling so poorly....and so bummed out. hope you find some answers here...i know as a new member myself, you will find encouragement here. i know a lot of people here talk of weight gains with the meds taken. i have always struggled with my weight ...even before the meds...so can't help you on that. i go to weight watchers....and with much struggle on a daily basis, have lost 15 lbs. i have not been able to exersize at all because of stiffness and pain. so loss is still possible....but at real slow pace. with my RA i have very dry itchy eyes. not wanting another med, i use tears drops 4-5 times a day. helps some. hope you find some answers soon.


Anyways, I probably gained weight. I am eating ice cream alot. and I hardly like ice cream, but been craving it. Probably craving calcium.

Hope everyone else is doing good!

hi Dianne, hi Jooniper  very good to skim messages from some normal people. putting up with everything here at the west coast center for negativity gets me down sometimes. i am into some heavy dieting, chatting with the brainy one- second most intelligent doctor in the county about minimum nutrition. 35 lbs off thru diet, pushing strongly for an additional  5lb loss to get me back into some of my clothes for kid brothers wedding over in italy.      my dear Allison, i had big medicine problems that took quite a while to get worked out, i sure wish you some success. i used to have daily ice rink access thru my job, maybe this isnt exactly dance, more fun being a flyer than being a thrower, so i was always trying to get body builder girl to go skate doubles so i could get thrown. and my knees partially shot so i cant do that again....but it certainly helps me to have some message board chatter to get me along the pathp.s. whats with the one star deal? i actually try quite hard to provide 5 star service

LOL @ am graffti!! Takes a long time to and many posts to get to a "5 star" service...lol.

Well, dieting is not the best thing for me...lol. I have been eating twinkies, carmel apple pies, and lots of other junk foods. I can not help myself.

Maybe when I get on better meds I can lose weight.

i'll keep ya'll posted!!

Hi there.  I would really appreciate if I could be accountable to everyone about my weight!  I am going to put it in my sig line, and hopefully with your help, we will all see the number go down!  I currently weigh 160.  I would like to lose 20 pounds and be 140.  Wow, that would be so nice!

Current weight: 160

Pounds lost: 0

Goal weight: 140

Thanks everyone!

I'm there for ya Butterfly. Good Luck!! And remember...just don't give up. Tomorrow's another day. Try not to be too hard on yourself, just try your hardest.


Thanks Lovie!

I am actually up by 4.5 pounds right now LOL.  I am wearing jeans, and ate a lot today, so I am blaming it on that.  I have decided that half my problem is that I never walk.  The other half is that I eat all day, and it is probably just thirst that is making me restless and feeling like food.  I am going to start carrying a water bottle everywhere I go.  Everytime I start feeling restless and feeling like I want to eat, I am going to make myself drink the entire water bottle. THAT should fill me up!!

Wish me "luck!"

Down a pound today.  But I still refuse to change my sig!  I am 160 in the am at least lol!!!!!Hi all!  You all are so motivating regarding the weight loss issue!  Thank you so much!  Now I can see how this site really works! OK, so I am a real newbie!  I have to agree a big help is downing the water. I work at a school, so it can be a little difficult at time!

I've found that when I put a TINY bit of organic pear or apple juice in my big jug it  really helps me drink the H2O. Is that not good I wonder? I am burned out on Crystal lite. Is that even considered water intake by WW or other programs?


I think natural grape/pear/appe juice would be ok.  At least you are drinking the water.  That's what is most important.  The more water you drink, the less your body retains.  Water flushes out your system, and my theory is, if your body knows it will get water daily, it wont think that it needs to store it up in itself.  It I get slightly dehydrated once and a while, of course my body is going to retain water!  (Just my thought!)

Butterfly; I know from my own experience when I drink alot of water it does seem to fill me up....maybe I should join you in this water intake!!

Helps to flush the kidneys too and that's got to be good with all the meds I take.

Welcome Nene!! We're glad you're here.


Hope you all had some "yummy" water today!  LOL! I'll take any ANY diet advice! Atkins, WW etc..
 Actually, i have never really "dieted" just made up whatever worked for me . 
But.... now w/ the RA and this big weight issue I just don't know what to do anymore.  For some reason I feel.. uggg defeated. My work day meals are fine, it's just the evening! I wish I could take a pill and forget about the pm hehe!  I would be super thin heheh!

thanks for the welcome!

This water idea can be overdone. I drank enough that I sloshed when I walked.


I have tried to take the weight off but I just can't seem to stick with anything. Now I am on prednisone so that can't be helping, although I havent noticed an increase in appetite. I have huge appetite anyways which has been one of my problems. I cant seem to stop stuffing my face!

I realllllllly need to get on the ball. Summer is just around the corner and I can't imagine squeezing this big butt into a pair of shorts, or worse a swim suit.

Im a Texas gal too and we have an adults only weekend planned for New Braunfels in June with some other couples and I don't want to be the only fat wife on the trip.

I need to lose 35-40lbs min./really about 50. I will be okay with 25 by June, but I think that is even pretty ambitious.

It doesnt help that I have over 100 boxes of GS cookies in my livingroom....I am selling those suckers this weekend if it kills me!

short and puffy...I feel like the Pillsbury Dough Boys long lost sister...


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