Merry Christmas - Happy New Year Thing | Arthritis Information


What if we could make it a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year just by willing it to be so...You know prayers and positive attitude, maybe even a few random acts of kindness, 'Pay it Forward', sieze every opportunity to think "WWJD" and try to make it so. Here are a couple of things to start off our wish list please add to it:

Let Deanna's daughter get better 

Let Roxy regain her independence and peace of mind  

7lb grip for Joonie

Weight loss for everybody who needs it with a daily ration of chocolate.

Peace in the middle east so our troops can come home and stay here.

Adequate pain control for all who need it.  

How about a cure for Cancer, or better yet, a way to prevent it!
Let's find a cure for auto immune diseases or prevention!
How about the homeless and the hungry and poor.
Let's have more women in politics.

I just want to add that people find the right med or combo of meds that work for them!We need remedial driving lessons! I almost got creamed by a dumbell this morning. He missed his exit on the freeway and BACKED up!