When Bad Things Happen to Good People | Arthritis Information


A good book to read when you're down and asking yourself "why me?" is "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner. He references God a lot in the book, and I am an atheist, but I still got a lot out of it (plus it's an easy read). I'm sure your local library would have a copy. It's a classic! Thanks for the information Gimpy. Being based on God I will truly enjoy it. Being easy to read is a plus for me also.

We are socialized from infants that good behavior  and good solid morals are rewarded. When those of us are socialized in this manner we often associate good behavior with good things happening to us and many times being coupled with a reward. Unfortunately in life this does not always occur so when bad things happen to us we wonder why, and we wonder what we have done to receive such a negative feedback.

I have to remind myself of this all the time, that bad things do happen to us and that I should not be discouraged about it, but to change my point of view...which in turn is a difficult if not impossible task to master.


This is a really good time for me to read this book.  I am going to order this now.  I find myself having to tell myself over and over I am a good person which I never used to have to do.  Thanks Gimpy

For so long after becoming sick with severe rhuematoid arthritis and then partial lung loss and copd i asked myself, "Why me?" So one day I actually gave my question some very serious thought. Gosh, after deep searching my life, I came to the conclusion that I am very lucky that I have only these sicknesses. Ha ha ha. So I guess I say to the good people, bad things happen to bad people also.

I ordered it Gimpy.  It was 17 cents plus shipping.  Hope it is worth more than that.  How many times have I asked myself "what did I do to deserve this"?  Hopefully this book will take that nagging question out of my head.Roxy, I'm glad. Sometimes people tend to blame themselves for their misfortunes and that's the last thing we need with all our health problems and everything that goes with them. The book was probably 17 cents because it's been a best seller for a long time and there's about a zillion copies of it floating around out there! It's well worth the time it takes to read it (not a long time---it's relatively short!)
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