THE PATH OF PAIN | Arthritis Information


I am experiencing pain in my left leg above my knee and into my hip,the pain is excrutiating and goes onto my back and up my spine, its also making me feel breathless.I spoke to the RA nurse and as i have an appointment on the 18th December she told me to wait until then to see her. I have an appointment with my Rheummy in May , he hasnt any available appointments before this. Has anyone else had pain along this path

Is this a doc that you have seen before?

If you are having what you call excrusiating pain and the doc cant see you untll May....I would find another doctor...that is insane...

I am sorry ...I am just blown away that she would put you off at all for her..and for the doc...if you are having pain that takes your breath need to be seen...even if you go to your general practicioner..

I dont know..have you had an injury to your knee or hip? Do you have any swelling or loss of range of motion?

NO injury that i can think of. I think a trip to A & E might be the best.Our health system in the UK is strange. We dont pay to see the Doctors or for our drugs such as Humira but we wait ages for an appointment and by that time the damage is done.Private health wont cover my Arthritis because its an exsisting disease. And to get an appointment with a specialist doctor or for an xray or scan can take up to 3 months.I went to a& e a few month back cause i fell down a flight of stairs and they left me on a trolley for 2 hours before i saw a doctor, then they sent me for an xray and I had broken two small bones in my back.They gave me some Paracetemol and sent me home. I was in agony and had an appointment coming up with my Rheumy but when i got there the nurse said she was seeing me as he was busy, they just told me to go home and rest.I was nearly screaming in agony at the time. I have almost given up on them.

That sounds horrible! Isnt there any other option? Can I ask..what is the A&E? Is it like an emergency ward? Cause here in the states A&E is a cable television network (arts and entertainment)....I didnt think you were going to go star on your own biography...I figured it was an ER at a hospital??? If you only waited 2 hours then that is probably better than what you would have had to wait in an ER or A&E in the states. Your pain in your leg may not be RA related... so you could see a regular doctor...just play know..tell the doctor you were sitting in a chair and when you got up it hurt....maybe they will xray it and give you a shot or someting...

How is your pain today??
