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My DH has been making insinuations in front of the kids that I am lazy, I just like the drugs and any other mean thing he can come up with about me not doing what he considers "my part".  All he has done is complain that I didn't get anything done when he was gone.

I want to find a good article on fibro and RA that focuses on symptoms.  Then I want to sit my family down and read it to them.  My kids are great but I want them to understand this friggin disease and not believe all the ugly things my mean, drunken husband is saying.  He sure knows how to ruin a good day   At least, the kids always take up for me and I have my animals.  I wish HE WOULD SLEEP ON THE COUCH !!!!! As a man I feel bad that you have to put up with that Roxy. Cheese39059.3916782407Roxy, all of this really stinks, and I hate that you have to deal with it when you aren't feeling well.  But I have to bring up something that was suggested sometime ago.  You need to get yourself an appointment with a good financial planner, who can help you take steps necessary to ensure that you and your kids are financially secure.  It would be too much for any of us to do alone, and you need someone you can trust to help you plan for your future.  Perhaps a family member, or your attorney can refer you to someone.

I realize I am a little late with this information but I wanted to share this site with you.

This is an Audio webcast link that I took from my board. You will need speakers and a media player on your computer to listen to it.

The Webcast is about.  "When a Parent is sick"

Listen to it when you have time. It is a very helpful discussion.  (This is a past discussion and you can not call in to asked questions at this time.) .cfm?idNetwork=24&idProgram=571&idUser=0&pst=N&a mp;programCode=24_571&CBCode=HealthTalk&chaser=true



Get out of that relationship as fast as you can. No one needs to deal with that on top of all your health problems. My mother-in-law stuck with her sh*t husband until her two children graduated high school. Basically threw 10 years away.

Now she is 61, lonely, depressed and a helluva lot healthier than you. I know it can be pretty daunting but you owe it to yourself.

You may be physically weak but you can be strong mentally and emotionally. You deal with fibro and RA. And they are real character builders.Thanks you guys.  I told him I WILL NEVER SLEEP ON THE COUCH AGAIN !!!!  I have been in so much pain today.  The kids were really cold to him this morning and he went to his rehab counselor.  Came home and said he wants me to meet with her Monday.  I told him of course I will go.   I told him I don't care what you think - I am not doing anything today though.  I hurt too much which is the truth.  Brett has not ever been this mean.  I think he is having some psychological breakdown.  I have to think of our security.  He may be getting a lump sum from the railroad soon and his house may sell.  I have to pay off the second mortgage on this house or we will be moving again.  Colton wants to stay with me which makes me happy.  I am just trying to take care of myself.  Also my disability decision is supposed to come in soon.  I am ok.  I don't enjoy this but I don't blame myself.  I am trying to take care of myself and my kids are a joy.  I have the animals and a cozy home.  Problem is - I am high all the time.  I HATE IT but doc said I would get used to it after awhile.  I need to be able to think straight to make these kind of decisions.  Thanks for caring you guys.  LOVE  Rox roxy39060.4323148148

I rarely ever post on this board but felt the need to at this point. 

If you have any feelings left for this man, please let him go.  He will never be sober in your household because he gets no support.  Even drunks have feelings.  You come here and admit you are using your daughter and his son to get your way and that you are staying w/him for his money.

I was married to an alchololic and I divorced him.  So I don't have a lot of sympathy for drunks, but you obviously think of noone but yourself.  His counselors have probably been telling him to leave you since you called and yelled at him in rehab.  If you truly wanted to make this marriage work, you would at least show him enough respect to not try and turn his son against him.

I have been reading your posts for months and you are truly one of the most self-centered people I have ever come across.

When I am in terrible pain from RA, I try to remember that the people I lash out at in frustration are the ones that do their best to try and handle the situation we all live in.  You cannot scream and berate them for never doing enough if you expect them to be there for you.

I am sorry in advance to the folks on this board that I may have offended by being so frank, but this last post was just way over the line.  I was very upset at the way you treat both your daughter and Colton.  It is sooooo unfair of you to put them in the middle of your problem, and I cannot stand to see parents do that to their children.  Colton has been through so much in his young life, your behaviour is not helping him.

I hope this can shock you into seeing the light.  Finally, someone that stands up and says "I don't support what you are doing."

Frankly, you should blame yourself.


The posts that Roxy leaves on this board are only half the story. It is very rude of you to assume that you know the entire situation. While she is very sweet to pour her heart out to us, you have to understand that doesn't mean she tells this board EVERYTHING. If for YOU leaving your husband was the best thing, that's great. But for you to TELL SOMEONE ELSE to do it, is very very VERY presumptuous and mean. Not all alcoholics are going to behave the same. Not all people with RA are going to behave the same.

You speak of "drunks having feelings" and while I do not disagree with you, ROXY HAS FEELINGS TOO. This disease has devistated her and is a HUGE adjustment for her, and drunk or not, that is something Brett has GOT to help her with, or there is simply no relationship. For you to say that SHE needs to stop being self centered is disgusting. After all that she has done FOR him, to help him, and he REJECTED IT. She is bearing her soul to him, and you say that she is SELF CENTERED? How dare you.

And I will be the FIRST person to tell you that Roxy and I have had our moments, and honestly we don't always get along. She drives me crazy sometimes and I think she makes some...odd...decisions but NEVER, NEVER have I thought that she was self centered or ANY of the things that you have accused her of.  Roxy is still a beautiful person who is stuggling VERY hard with far too many issues at one time. If anything at times I have said that she was too forgiving, and too nice.

You did not stand up and say "I don't support what you're doing" You my friend stood up and said "You are a terrible person" and then you quickly stabed that knife into Roxy's back and walked away.

Shame, shame on you.


I agree with Cheese and Hillhoney - get yourself some good advice - fast!  Realise money to pay for the advice might be hard to come by - any hope of tapping into help from a social service organisation or gov t. social service dept?   Lifeline in Australia has a section that gives help on managing finances.

You have a good head on your shoulders and we all know
that. You have done a lot to keep your family together through
all of this. There is nothing wrong with trying to make a better
life for you and the kids. Good luck and hopefully things will go
your way soon. You're always in my prayers.I am so stunned and embarrassed by what has happened to this board.  We have new people signing on everyday, looking for support and advice and we tell them what a great bunch of people we have on this board, and how kind and supportive everyone is.

In the last two weeks I have seen nasty, hurtful comments posted here and it breaks my heart. 

Crispy,  You need to know me to tear into me like that.  I have been VERY supportive of Brett.  I go to his AA meetings, ask that there be no alcohol at family gatherings, do not drink in front of him, and he turns his son against him.  Colton told his Dad, he will not live with him if I stay with him and he is drinking.  Yes, I did lose it when I was flaring and he called but do you know this is the third rehab I have gone through Brett.  I have hardly spoken a harsh word with Brett.  I have dealt with drunks in my career and I know there is no point to engage.  I love Brett with all my heart and he knows it.  He tells me he knows it.  He also tells me I am good to him.   Everyone I know says Brett will go on a drunk and kill himself if I leave him.  Yes, I worry about money.  I am disabled, I have a disabled daughter and a sixteen year old son.  You just have no idea of the whole picture.  If Brett got sober and treated me with half the respect I give him, I would happily spend the rest of my life with him.

PS  I don't Lash out at people when I flare, I come here and pour my heart out.


I apologize for getting so worked up so fast...though I still stand by my beliefs in the situation. It frustrates me that this board is not moderated because I feel that this is something that was innapropriate for a post. If something like this were to occur on RA Sushi, it will be handled differently.

Roxy, you are such a strong woman. LOL I was pretty sure you didn't like me from time to time......[QUOTE=arriscolwell]

I apologize for getting so worked up so fast...though I still stand by my beliefs in the situation. It frustrates me that this board is not moderated because I feel that this is something that was innapropriate for a post. If something like this were to occur on RA Sushi, it will be handled differently.

Roxy, you are such a strong woman.


Forums are for opinions and crispy expressed hers. What do you expect to get in return when you spill your guts on an open forum? Some things just should not be said in public. How is everyone supposed to know the whole story? From the outside it does look like the whole story because everything is on here, every little detail.

If it was a moderated forum would you have deleted crispy's post? If so that is one sided, controlling and sad.

WRONG.  You crack me up Katie.  One more pss - Brett did not drink today

Besides, you are in my top ten friends on My Space, just never you mind that I have the site administrator as number one.  He IS kinda cute

You don't rub me the wrong way. I'm just a very emotional person, and so are you. Sometimes that means clashing. It happens. And other times I feel like I'm in the way of "helping" you because what do I know.. I'm 23, right? RIGHT LIZ? RIGHT?!?! Hahaha Liz likes to tease me about that.... grrr....

Katie, you keep all  of us young.  And I have underwear older than you, but life is fun when  you're around.

Smiling - smiling and warm fuzzy feelings are so much more fun!
You might want to keep that underwear thing to yourself