BOO!! *thumbs down* BOO!!! | Arthritis Information


I wanted to make a christmas tree out of construction paper and attach it to the curtin where we normally put our artificial tree. I was going to use the kids hands as the leaves for the tree and let daughter construct it as she is super crafty like that and she enjoys doing stuff like that. Plus we would not have to get out all the decorations and artificial tree out and find a place for it.

Anyways... Hubby & I were bothering MIL about doing that and she kept giving us "The Look". LMAO! Then she said "Do not forget I got Andrew that choo-choo set in the closet." Then I replied back "Yeah, that will look nice going around our consturction paper tree!" I literally pissed my under-roo's laughing so hard.

So... now she said she would be down at our tin box Thursday to see if she has to put up our fake tree for us

What?! We are always like this, we like to mess with the family, if we know it errks them we will play off of it

At least, put the fake tree up and make ornaments from cut out hands...and string popcorn and let her do all kinds of homemade stuff..that would be neat.

I am mean. I dont let my kids touch the tree..LOL..I let them help a little..but I move every thing when they arent looking. OMG...I used to do that too.  Now that the girls are older I do let them decorate the tree.  We have many unique handmade ornaments from when they were little.  I love them all. 


I mean a christmas tree about 4-5 feet tall made out of construction paper, with a construction paper trunk and then attach it to the curtain where we normally put our fake tree. The fake tree has seen better days, going on 8 years of using it.

Hubby will not let me do a paper tree, he just liked that it bothered his mom. I on the other hand wanted to do it. And then I told my oldest sister about it and she was like "I hope you are kidding!" I was like "No!" Then she said "What did your mother-in-law have to say about that?" I said "She just gives me 'The Look' when I say anything with the words tree and paper."

I told hubby since he will not let me make one, I will not be decorating the tree this year, as I am tired of the same ornaments year after year. I also let sister-in-law use my favorite color ornanments last year, and have yet to see those back

Oh well... here comes the "Buh-Hum-Bug".