New Here - Couple of questions | Arthritis Information


Hello folks,

I've just discovered this forum, and thought I'd ask a couple of quick questions before diving into the 25 pages of threads for answers.

Background wise, I'm currently 40, and got hit with very severe RA symptoms (major ankle and hand swelling)  about a year and 1/2 ago, and was officially diagnosed last December.  I started with SulfaSalasine and Naproxen, added on Prednisone, and then replaced the Prednisone with Plaquenil back in May (current medications are  1500mg of Sulfasalzine + 400mg Plaquenil per day + Naproxen as pain requires)

I'm curious if anyone has reached the point where they feel normal again?  Good days I have just some minor ankle pain and stiffness, and bad days it's a fairly noticeable pain and some "asleep" like tingling in my wrists and fingers.  The Rheumatologist says normal is the goal, but does that really ever occur and I should thus be happy with the markedly reduced symptoms I'm having since starting treatment?

Second question would be how weather affected are others?  I seem to notice a fairly significant difference between humid/low pressure rainy days.  Curious if that's just me or the norm.  I'm in Michigan, so radically different weather conditions are par for the course.

I'm sure I'll have others later.  Thanks in advance for your input.

Well....I've never felt "normal" compared to my friends, and I've had it all my life. So I dunno. Some people get that far, but I'd say a lot of us get close, and we love that we're close. LoL As far as the weather goes...oh yeah. I don't think anyone cares what the doc's opinions on weather effects are, we KNOW it effects us. LoL it's only 28 here in FL, and I'm not use to it, so I'm huurrrttiiinn today. No surprise to me though! Glad you decided to join us, you can find a lot of interesting info here!!
I tried all of the meds you are on with limited or no success. (the exception is our friend and foe Prednisone, which you want to get off of ASAP). When I moved to Methotrexate it worked within a week. I am practically normal again with almost no pain whatsoever.
If you find you are still in pain, or have stomach discomfort with any of the meds you are prescribed, let your Dr know to change.
Cheese39059.3629398148I have never been "myself" since onset of RA.  I still have not found the right meds and am still looking and trying not to give up hope.  Before a storm, I can major feel the storm a coming - then after it breaks - I get some relief.  Welcome to the board! I had been on the Azulfidine since near
the beginning, and that is the thing that worked for me, luckily.
Unfortunately, it takes a good while (sometimes 3-4 months) to
feel the full effect. It seems like you are on a relatively small
dose of the Azulfidine, so you may want to talk to your doc
about that. When I was 12 I was already up to 2,500mg. I have
never been on the Plaquenil, though. Good news is, I did have
about 7 years of feeling pretty much back to normal on no
meds. I still didn't have as much energy as everyone else, but
no pain. It came back this summer, and now I am in the stage
where you are. Good days mean I still have minor pain. Also,
the weather changes definitely affect my joints. I have lived up
and down the east coast and it seems that I always have bad
days when the weather is changing. Good luck to you and I
look forward to more of your posts!Hi and welcome.  Yes, I think you can feel almost normal.  I don't think that anyone who has RA/PA/OA, and assorted complication can every feel like they did prior to the onset of the diseases.  With the help of Remicade and MXT I feel as normal as I'll ever feel due to the damage process of RA/PA.  The damage is done and there's nothing I can do other than an occasional pain pill and antiinflammatory meds.  I can do so much more than I could before Rem and MXT.  So yes, you can feel normal but what is normal?  It's different for all of us.  You'll find your normal.  Am glad the meds are working for you. 


Welcome to the boards!  Lots of info and experience here so if you can't find some help by searching, just do it by asking 

Yes, most of us are pretty expert at predicting weather, esp. if there is a change in barometric pressure.  Extra activity from ants around the garden/house, joints acting up = some sort of change in weather for me. 

Normal?  Well, after 25 years plus of having RA and then OA attack joints and body generally, I sure can't move around like a normal person - but am blessed because I was quickly dx'd and treated, unlike others who have had bad experiences with their docs and with insurance.  the meds have helped, especially methotrexate (mtx) but hve also been on Naproxen and penacillamine (sp?) and sulphur meds, and currently on 10mg of mtx, 200mg Placquenil 5 times a week, Celebrex 2 a day.   Am certainly much better than I was about 10 years ago when it took me longer to get down the bus steps than it did some 80 yr olds who were off to do their bit as aid workers at local hospital  :(     Can laugh about it now - not funny at the time!

Not all meds work for all people, so the rheumy will prob. try various things to find out what will best help  you.

the most important thing - acquire a crazy sense of humour - it helps!



