rd doc | Arthritis Information


   well    what  a       wonderful  bs  system... lol

well gee   a     comitee  of  rd's  has  approved  me  to be  seen  LOL

in  jan   19     wonderful 

    these   guys  kill me

I  could  be  dead  by  then  lol

 well  gotta  press  my   Internist  till then....  lol

jan  19      sorry  that    sad   the  dumb lady  said  well it  could  be  worse   most  people    never  get  seen here  for  4  months.....

ona   good  note  my  hands  are  are  alittle  better   and  my pain is  not  as  bad   knock on wood......


Sorry about the wait.  It is frustrating as heck especially when you are in pain and are eager to get some kind of treatment going to slow everything down and try to get back to life.  Isn't it a teaching hospital that you are going to?  Ther downside of those is the long wait.  The upside tho is that they really are on the cutting edge of technology and medicine.  It is kind of six and one half dozen of the other.  Wow... I really do feel sorry for you Americans...I can get into a GP within a day here and my Rheum took about 3 weeks.
Im sure the bigger cities are a bit slower, but overall I just couldnt bare to go thru the BS I see you having.



I don't know quite what your situation is over there, but in Australia rheumatologists (and skin specialists) seem to be in under-supply, and yes, 3 months is a normal wait time, even for those of us who have private insurance and have been visiting the one rheumy for years.  If we have to cancel an appointment, it is usually a 3-month wait before the next available slot.  Why?  Because before we leave after each visit, an appointment is made for the next visit - when I was first dx'd and the RA was agressive and he was still finding out which meds would work for me, it was every 6 weeks or so - now it is 3 months.  This means that the rheumy's appointment book is full up months ahead.

Those who have no private cover and have to go to the public hositals for attn, fare worse.

I hope that your primary care doc can give you something to control the pain a little in the meantime. 


  well  he  did    and  I   wrote him  asking  about the  antibiotic...

   Just seems  like  a  long  time   to  see  this  rd   doc  yes  it is a   Teaching  hospital   they are   trying  hard   to become  the  Duke  of  the  north....  been  building  alot  of  research  buildings...

 There  next project  is  a  brand  new   100 million plus    building  for  a  new   cancer   center....

They are  trying  to  keep up   with  roswell park  in  BUffalo..

these  health  systems   here  are  all at each others  throats  for  patients.

for  pain I  have  prednisone...  yucky  but  needed    i  quess

  and  tumeric  lots  of  that   and boswellia

I  still  take   cmo   which     while  it's  not  the  best  it's  probably keeping  me  going  till  i  can get the  antibiotic  or   whatever     the  rd  may  decide   to put  me  on.....

 I   am far  from  better   but  the  last  2  days  have  not  been    as  bad

somehow  my  hand   is  better...   why  who  knows....

There  are  only  14   RD's   for    over   700,000  people  here...

thats  not  counting  the  metro  counties  that  push that  up  to  about     14   docs  for   1 million     folks....  uggg.

I  often   wish this  was    a  bad  dream   and  i  could  wake  up  and    be  me  again...

  gosh   and  to think the  things  that  got  me  upset  before  this...

If  I   could   wake  up  and  just  not  feel pain or   have  my  joints  stop hurting

I  would  love  to  just  be  me  again..........

gosh  and  i  used  to  worry  about  dumb  things  like  a  gray hair  or  a  wrinkle......  gee  now  I  think  god  just  let  me  function...

I pray  alot  more    to....  

I  just  try  and   keep myself  from  getting  to  down..

luckily  I  can keep that  stiffness   part  at  bay   i know  my  hand   does   go  stiff  in  the  am  sometimes  but  for  far  less  than  2 minutes.... If  I  could  just    find  away   to not  be  sick  again     ......  I   wish  we  could  fast  forward  time   15  years  because  I  bet  the  treatment  by  then  will be   far  superior   to  what  we  have  now....


One thing I read in The Road Back, which I am about halfway through now, is that depression is actually one of the symptoms of RA, not just a response to it. It's good to know, because sometimes I get really seriously depressed, and was actually suicidal when I was first diagnosed. It's good to be aware of the subltle difference because you can recognise that the depression will abate just as the other symptoms tend to. So keep on truckin'!
The New Arthritis Breakthough, which has the Road Back in it, is a really good book to read if you are considering antibiotic protocol therapy.

No system is perfect.  I've a friend from British Columbia who has had 3 knee surgeries and should have had a knee replacement after the second surgery.  Unfortunately, she's not a squeaky wheel and is on the waiting list for surgery.  The wait could be as much as a year.  I've never heard of anyone here waiting a year for a needed surgery.  I was a nurse for 20 years and  I know it's difficult for patients to wait; I've done it and didn't like it. I think that 4 weeks isn't such a long wait, especially in your area of the country. When you're in pain any amount of time is a long wait but take your pain meds. and be patient.  RA makes you more patient.  You spend much of your life waiting.  Your frustation will only lead to a high stress level which in turn will cause more pain.  It's all a vicious cyle and you'll learn to deal with it.  Take care.
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