Pneumonia and Remicade | Arthritis Information


 I have had this horrible cough for a week now, the doctors thought it was an asthma attack, but last night they said it was walking pneumonia, so they started me on antibiotics. I have an appointment this friday to get my next remicade infusion, do you think they will cancel it? Do you have to be off the antibiotics for a certain amount of time before you can get it again? Also, any ideas about school. I was out all last week, except for monday. There is a girl in our school who had a heart transplant when she was little, and gets sick very easily, do you think it is ok to go on monday? Thanks for all the help! 


I would check with the nurse or whoever about the infusion - they will be able to advise you best. I know I had a chest infection once and was on antibiotics. I spoke to the nurse specialist and we re-arranged my infusion to a week later to give me chance to finish the antibiotics and throw off the infection. Do you take methotrexate? If so have you taken a break from it? This will help your body to fight the infection too. I can't advise on the work issue, maybe check with your Dr? A few days rest might help you to get better?

Hope you're better soon.


You are most likely going to have rearrange your remicade infusion.  Call your rd!! 

I had pneumonia back in October and it really was nasty.  Getting your energy back afterwards can take awhile.  As far as school goes, the general rule of thumb is you have to be antibiotics for 24 hours before school LETS you go back.  I feel that going back is going to depend on how you feel.  Remember, pneumonia is very tiring and you lose your energy very easily.  Did your mom get your schoolwork or did you have someone bring it to you? 

I hope you feel better soon! 
