For all you fibro sufferers..... | Arthritis Information


Do you have those times where your back feels ok, then you go
to bed and your lower back starts screaming at you? I feel fine if
I am sitting up, but if I lay down it feels like someone is stabbing
me and turning the knife. I am now attempting to overnight it in
the La-Z-Boy with a heating pad under me. I have had many
nights of lower back discomfort and pain before, but not nearly
this bad. The 2 Ultracet I took didn't even take the edge off.
Maybe it's something else besides the muscles? Any input?Sara..that happens to me.  I will lay down and my lower back will start hurting so bad.  The only way I can get any relief when that happens is to lay on my side and bring my knees up to my chest.Sara - Me Too.  In fact, laying down is the hardest on me.  That is why I have to take painkillers and sleeping pills to go to bed.  My lower back and hips hurt the most when I go to bed.  I used to get up and sit in my recliner with a heating pad.  It would help.  But my Tyler dog decided to jump up on my lap, and he broke the recliner.  Brett says he can fix it.  Boy, do I miss that recliner !!!!  Talk to you doc and get stronger meds.  Sleep makes all the difference.  I now sleep all night and I feel so much better.  have any of you tried putting a couple of fat pillows under your knees to
take the pressure off your lower back. I have this same problem and it
works great for me.Thanks for the ideas! I was able to get about 4 hours of sleep in
the chair, then another 4 on the couch this afternoon. Now I
have messed up my sleep cycle!

LynnAnn~ I will have to try that. I always try to stretch, but that
part of the back is so hard to stretch out.

Rox~ I know you're right about the meds thing. I am on a low
dose of the Lexapro, and it used to work, but I think I have
gotten used to it b/c now it has no effect at all! I still have a
bunch of narcotics for those really bad days/nights, I just hate to
take them to help me sleep. It seems like if I use them for a few
nights in a row, I have an even worse time falling asleep after

lorster~ I have done that before. It does relieve some of the
back pain. Problem is, I can't sleep on my back when I am on
prednisone. It makes my heart pound so badly in my ears!

I have to admit, I brought this on myself. I went to hubby's
Christmas party last night and wore heels. BIG mistake. I didn't
even stand for that long and I only slow-danced a few, but boy
do I feel it now. Lesson learned!HEELS???  What are those?  LOL....I can't even imagine wearing heels again.  I have so many cute shoes tucked away in my closet.  I don't know if I will ever be able to wear any of them again.  I can't even wear "flip flops" my feet are so bad.  :(I have some cowboy boots I just love with like one inch heels.  I SO want to wear them this winter.  I haven't even tried them on yet, I don't want to know if they hurt.  Hubby was in Dallas for work and he got me a really nice pair
of cowboy boots....the right one fits, but my left ankle is too
swollen to get the boot on! We have to go get it stretched so I
can fit it on my fat ankle! I have been living in my Merrel mocs.
They are the most comfy shohes I have ever owned, and I don't
have to bend down to tie them or even put them on.