I saw this on tv | Arthritis Information


This may be off topic from RA a bit but I wanted to share this. I was watching some discovery  or health channel the other day and the topic was that of where we come from. The steps the program depicted were the most minute cells in conception and that if you break the egg down to it's most minute particle and the sperm down to it's most minute particle,then the dna and all that that goes along with all the cell structure; the one thing that is there, is absolutely nothing. It was fascinating to me. We are formed by something greater than what our minds and science can comprehend, define and identify.


I compleately agree, I'm a science geek myself...it makes me feel insignificant compaired to all the stuff thats going on in our bodys and around us in the world. To think we could come from one cell. I babysit for a cute 8 year old and I've been tring to get him to love science, but its nice to hear from someone who has a simmilear appreaciation as I do!


Yes Jode, I agree. It is so amazing and wonderful. Each new life is such a miracle to me.Oh I love science! It amazes me more and more each day. I just thought it was truly interesting that when the cell is broken down and all the structures are examined under huge mcroscopes, that the naked eye still cannot see what it is we are made of.......SO I identify it as a miracle. A miracle mass so to speak.
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