Some basic & not so questions answered | Arthritis Information


This site may be old news but for a newbie like me I found it answered a lot of questions that were not often brought up in the internet info on Arthritis and similar diseases.

Its answers to questions so basic, eg What is a flare?  What does remission mean and how do you know if you have a flare or are in remission.  I found it invaluable so am posting just in case it can help anyone with these questions.   It talks about your first visits to your Rheumatologist, different treatments etc.

Look at the bottom of the page as the top is kind of misleading.  As you explore you find more and more interesting info.  Well I did

Cheers, Wendy


I've visited that site several times but never thought to scroll very far down. You're right, that's where all the good info is. Thanks for the tip.