Deanna needs our help | Arthritis Information


Deanna who is always so ready to listen & help with all of our problems now needs our help - she is at the end of her tether. Rheumatoid arthritis can destroy so much of   your life but there is no recognition whatsoever out there in the general public of the consequences of rheumatoid arthritis & the autoimmune diseases that often accompany it. The Health system in America & many other countries are shameful in how they treat their citizens who because of rheumatoid arthritis & its accompanying disabilities experience appalling & demeaning conditions because of this diease. Ignorance of the disease is everywhere - it is a chronic, painful & disabling disease due to circumstances beyond control and those with the disease are often required to ask for government assistance for their very survival. There are a lot of us on this board - can we not use our collective power & write, email or telephone senators,
ambassadors, politicians, arthritis associatons . Also some of you must have connections to the media - radio & television where friends or family are employed - we are a large network & there must be many votes from friends, families & those with arthritis if the politicians would just realise this. With Deanna's permission her story should be told around the world & how a disease like rheumatoid arthritis can destroy lives. Some of us have financial support and family support, some of our dont. It goes against basic human rights and what is acceptable in a civilised society to not help those in need. Let us at least try to inform those in power that they have it in their power to make a difference for some of us. Let us try for Deanna. 2006_07_08/Act_Now_p1.asp?CampaignId=E06G1N1MYZZ020899083

See if that helps anyone!

Cassie, thanks for your articulate words and feelings and for emailing your American consulate. I appreciate your plea. Please use my story to draw attention to what so many are going through. I hear stories just like mine every day. I don't know anyone who does not have a family member or friend that is untouched from a disability issue. But it is very true that RA is seen as an "old age" disease and not the serious condition that it can be. Those commercials by the biologic companies do us a disservice in that there is nothing to counteract the message that all can be helped with these magical drugs. I think we need some kind of messaging that states how terrible this disease is, what it steals away from us and how humilating the disability process is.

Katie, I couldn't follow your link.

Aw man..........It was a link in the July newsletter from The Arthritis Foundation with information on how to contact your senator or governor or local arthritis foundation chapter. If/When I figure out how to post it on here, I will. Sorry!!!!