QUESTIONING EPIDURAL | Arthritis Information


I had an epidural 18 years ago with my daughter.I had gone into hospital with mild stomach pains ( wasnt sure if it was labour) and I was seen by 2 midwives and a junior doctor. They didnt examine me internally but decided I was in labour and started the epidural process.They numbed my lower back and inserted the needle but it stuck to they took it out and tried again ( i was screaming in agony  with pain in my back)  they did thid process 4 times before giving up.They then examined me internally and decided i wasnt even in labour, it was braxton hicks. I ended up in bed flat on my back for 7 days with severe headaches from spinal tap ( they drew spinal fluid when they botched the epidural) I now suffer from extreme pain in my lower back and wasnt sure if this is due to my arthritis or an effect from that many years ago.

It could be a combo of both.  You had the headache so many years ago from them botching the epidural and withdrawing the spinal fluid.  It makes you dehydrated.  I have heard of people have lower back problems from epidurals and spinals for years afterwards.  I would imagine the combo of the RA and the epidural could be causing issues.  When I was pregnant and went into labor with my son there were complications so the decided to give me one also they did the same thing to me he poked my left lef kicked, and agin my right leg kicked the third time my whole body flung back and the nurse yelled at the guy because it was an emergency they got a specialist in and he did it in one shot needless to say everything came out okay but I was to flat on my back for 7 days with a huge bruise and I also get lower back pain here and there.