Imuran | Arthritis Information


Is anyone on imuran??? I have to find a new drug cocktail. My RD wants to try imuran. She ran a blood test today to see if I have the enzyme to tolerate it?

Let me know the side effects. I will be taking it with Planquenil and Enbril.......


 I'm on Imuran. I was on mtx for long time but after my liver enzyme elevated my RD put me on Imuran once a day. I didn't have any problems except with hair. I'm not sure what to blame really when I'm loosing my hair. I'm also on Prednizone. Could be another reason for loosing hair. Taking multivitamins and minerals ( cheapest from WallMart) helped with my hair and I still continue taking Folic acid.  Best of luck to you



I've heard imuran works well for a lot of people but it made me terribly ill.  I puked for 2 months straight and felt like I had the flu.  I guess I'm one of the few who just can't tolerate it but I would suggest to give it a try but if it makes you ill, don't wait as long as I did to stop it!