What if you didn’t have RA????? | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to pose a new thought for the holidays. If you were not plagued with RA what things would you do. Here are mine

I would ride a bike in the Park
I would go shopping at the mall for hours
I would wear a pair of 3 inch high heels (Black pumps) Yah baby!!!
I would chase my kids around the house
I would go Salsa dancing on Saturdays
I would wrestle my husband on the floor
I would go to the mountains and play in the snow.





  • I'd throw a football with my sons, and shoot hoops with my daughter, because I wouldn't have to worry about jamming my finger joints!
  • I'd wear my size 6 wedding band again.
  • I'd get a manicure.
  • I'd sit on the couch with my feet tucked up under me like I used to.
  • I'd sit cross-legged on the floor through an entire video.
  • I'd scrub the kitchen floor on my hands and KNEES!
  • I'd wring out a washcloth, just because I could.
  • I'd clean half a dozen pill bottles out of my medicine chest and replace them with new lipsticks, to celebrate But if I didn't have RA I wouldn't be a candidate for a bionic leg, when they finally get invented.

    If I didn't have RA then I wouldn't have made the friends I did. 

    I don't like dwelling on if I didn't have RA because I do have RA and I have to dwell on what can I do now even with the RA.  Why dwell on something that I can't change?  Because I have RA, I have figured out creative and inventive things to help me get thru the day. 

    I would go for a 3 day hike

    I would go snow shoeing

    I would float the Williamette River

    I would get a job as a ranger

    I would garden

    I would wrestle with my husband, kids and dogs

    I would keep my house clean

    and more...............................................

    I would lift weights and bench press my weight again!

    I would paint the green bedroom a beautiful butter yellow.

    I would play my guitar till my fingers fell off

    I go to the track and run to my heart's content.

    Oh, it would be so awesome!!

    Take over the world. Tee-hee. Run for president, maybe. Cure RA in my spare time. Take a chance on one more guy. I would go running...
    then skiiing...DOWNHILL skiiing...
    and take my dog for a LONG walk...
    and play tag with the kids at work,
    and throw all my "prednisone clothes" away...
    and then go camping and sleep on the ground and not worry about not getting enough sleep, or the dampness, or paying for it when I get up!

    I would play on the floor with my 18 month old grand-daughter! And I would pick her up and twirl her in the air. We would run thru the house and outside thru the yard chasing bubbles with "Papa"

    These are some of the wonderful things I did with my 16 year old grand-daughter when she was little, and sometimes it breaks my heart that I won't ever be able to play with the little one like that.

    But we have our own way of playing and hugging
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