The war continues | Arthritis Information


After battling everyone today, here is the results:
DES office faxed over the form for the doctor sign for the General Assistance and even called me to let me know that I needed to go in and sign it which I did. And, it was sitting on the doctor's desk. Yeah!
Cardiologist finally got their act together and I'm getting the medicine approved plus they gave me a month's supply of the high blood pressure medicine. They are not happy with me. However, I put in the original refill request on Nov. 21st.
The Mesa Senior Center is going to loan me a walker which I can pickup tomorrow. I also have an appointment with my Primary doctor and the neck MRI tomorrow.
I am applying for the home health aide for housecleaning twice a month and a Medical Case Manager to help with all this garbage.
Julie got her medicines, made two doctor's visits and had a good report with both. More yeahs!!!!!
My health insurance finally straightened out the mess. The doctor's office had not filed enough information to begin with. They believe it will take 5 business days to get my chair.
I never thought I would be celebrating GETTING THE CHAIR.
Now, Deanna is very, very tired. Is the war over yet?
OMG YOU GET A CHAIR!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO ON FOR A RACE!! LoL I'm so happy for you!!! *HUGS!!* Right On!!!  Your determination, patience, and persistance have paid off ten fold!!  YAY!!!You deserve to celebrate after all the hell you have been
through! It's about time that thi stuff got sorted out. Congrats on
your chair

Saw one today that had a sign on the front, "Here comes trouble."

Well I've already decided on mine. Even though it's years down the road. LOL I'm getting it painted pink, I'm getting someone to tweak the speed, and I want glittery wheels. LOL I'm such a girl.   Deanna, I'm soooooo happy for you!!! Deanna you sound so much better now that you have won some battles.  Prayer does work. 

Around here we don't just believe in miracles, we count on them!

My dear Deanna, It's about time things started turning around for you!

Why is the cardiolgist unhappy with you? Want me to take them on for you? Or at least help?

I think you'll be amazed how much the walker helps. I use mine around the house. It's a rolling walker, and it makes a huge difference in the pain. Just being able to take the weight off my spine helps so  much.. That probably sounds really funny, but it's surprising how much impact your spine takes when you walk. (Mine also keeps me from falling down most of the time

Are you getting a scooter or a power chair? Either way, it so great to be able to keep your independence. I hated the idea at first, but I'm so glad I have it! I'd be pretty housebound if not for my scooter. I know you understand.

Now, maybe you can get some much-deserved rest. Sleep peacefully.

Gentle hugs and many blessings to you and your daughter,



          Yippee  ---  I'm soo happy for you, Deanna.  You Rock! 


You sure are loved Sweetie Gal

OK, chairs. We were driving behind a truck or van or something that had a wheelchair folded up and strapped on to the back. Maybe we were just tired, but from our angle it looked so much like there was a set of machine guns built into this thing. Of course it wasn't, but it really made us do a double take, then another, and then laugh.

We said if either of us ever has to have a chair, we want the ones with the built in guns.

Out of my way, cowboy, I'm coming through. Want to give me that funny look one more time buddy? Did somebody say Bad Flare Day?

Someone was threatening to go postal. This is the chair to do it in.

Not getting enough attention in the medical system? Here comes Calamity Jane.

James Bond would definitely have a chair like that. Deanna should have one too.


Whooopie Doooo Deanna, now that's what I call progress!  (smiling)  Sending hugs to you and Julie.


God bless you Deanna.

Praise God Denna I'm glad things are working out for you