How often do you have flares? | Arthritis Information


i was just wondering, because it seems like i am flaring more than i am not. havent started my meds yet. (mtx)because i am fighting an infection. but was wondering how long and how often people flare when they are on meds?This is different for everyone. It depends on if the meds are the
right combo and strength for you. Ideally, on the right meds and
dosage you won't flare at all. When I had found the right meds
years ago, I went for a while only having flares for a couple of
days if the weather made a drastic change. I would also have
flares if I got sick, like strep throat. Off of meds, or when I am
trying to find the right combo, flares can last months. I have
currently been in a flare since June. I feel like I never stop flaring and am on MTX 20mg.  Doc is starting Enbrel in January so I sure hope I get some good days. When I am on meds I flare with weather changes (2-3 days in advance), if I overdo it, or am exhausted.  It differs for everyone.

I flare when I'm fighting an infection--even before I cut back on my immune sup. meds. 


it just seems worse when i am fighting an infection, like right now, just finished abx. for sinus and ear inf. and all sypmtoms came back two days later, fel like i have the flu, so today back in the doc, x-ray of sinuses and still infection. so i told him to  give me something to kick its A-- ! so he put me on a strong abx. and prednisone, and said the pred. will help with the arthritis two. I am just so sick of being sick! it all started last winter, pneumonie, strep, 2 sinus inf. and needed to be on abx for a long time. now this winter have felt like crap since september! i am tired of talking about feeling sick and feeling sick. and everyone i know is like "your sick again"? than i think well when others get a sinus infection it doesnt affect them as bad as it does me. to me its like the flu. could it be because my immune system is so busy attaching my joints that it doesnt pay attention to the real invaders than i catch stuff easeir? this just sucks, and i want to have energy, i want to be happy. its like the doctor said to me i bet you are a fun person when you are feeling better. i am like, yea will i ever be fun again?I have always flared more than not. I have days where im just slightly achy for some of the day. I guess thats not a flare. I am confused, between flares, are you guys feeling no symptoms?
There are definitely days that are worst than others, but I have never experienced freedom from the ball and chain of pain.

sophistablack, my first flare lasted 7 months (symptoms gradually improved over the last month of it, and eventually mostly went away.) Then, I had 8 months in remission. During those 8 months, my knees were still bad: I couldn't kneel, and felt it when I tried to get out of a chair. And my finger joints were a little swollen and stiff, and occasionally the arches in my feet would stiffen up, but that's really all.

At the time, I thought I'd come through a very long virus, and was just feeling residual stiffness. Now, four months into my second flare and newly diagnosed with RA, I know better.
