Some doctors are just cowards | Arthritis Information


I had my followup appointment this morning with my Primary, which of course, it's the nurse practioner not the actual doctor. I don't even know what he looks like.

Oh, what a jerk! He wouldn't listen to me, interrupting any sentence started. This always bugs me and I always call someone on it. I asked why his staff refused to have him call me regarding the Neurologist's report. Oh, well, he refuses to call any of the 30 patients he sees a day because he is just too busy.

Then, I explained about the inadequate pain specialist who didn't do more than a 10 minute exam, took forever to order the highly necessary MRI and just wanted to put me on pain meds.

He never did explain what the Neurologist was looking at. Oh, that is too complex for him to understand. I just bet it is. The dummy. Yeah, I'm mad.

He kept trying to get up to leave. Uh, we're not done yet. Found out the neurologist had ordered all kinds of Physical Therapy, not what I was actually being offered.

And, when I checked on my precious chair, oh, this NP (cause he's not a doc, folks) said he wouldn't approve it. It would take the Neurologist. The excuse now is that the Neurologist is the only one that can approve it. That's what the PT is for, to keep me out of the chair.

And, why are they only giving me a cervical MRI and not a full MRI of the Brain and the spine. Get this, oh, that's probably the only part they think is affected. What utter bullsh*t! If anyone has ever done any research on diagnosing or eliminating MS, they do both nerve conduction tests, brain and spinal MRIs and possibly a spinal tap.

But anyway, he doesn't think I should get a chair until after I've gone through all the PT (which now we have find a new one that does water therapy) because then I'll just get worse. While there may be some truth to that, it could have been explained to me before.

Finally, after seeing that he was not going to buffalo me into one excuse after another, he practically ran from the room.

In comes the Office Manager. Now she was nice. She took the time to explain everything. She said it took them 4 months to get a chair for someone on Medicaid. It's all the insurance companies. But now, they are going to try and get me a walker in the meantime. They could have done this weeks ago.

This NP said it wasn't his job to try and get me help. I thought that was why you had a Primary Care Physician. I would just switch doctor's but then I lose all my referrals and all my treatment gets moved out further and further.

So no chair. Maybe a walker. New pain specialist, may take months though. New PT.

I am beyond upset. I can't believe I have to fight the doctor's office for the basics of care. I suppose they are used to the patient that comes in and says, "Yes, doctor. Yes, doctor. Whatever you say, doctor." But I've been seeing doctors too long to go for that.

What a big coward though. I told him "I'm a human being and that's how you need to treat me."

The battle rages on. No pain relief. No concern over the many attacks I'm having. Just that's the way the system works. You have to understand our hands are tied.

Then change the system. Try harder.

You know...if it were me, I might consider calling the Press. Maybe they'd like a little Human Interest Story about a chronic pain patient who has to battle to get her basic needs met. A story like that would make your NP sit up and take notice, especially if you notify him of your intent.

As a nurse I can vouch, firsthand, for how powerless patients can be, when docs choose not to go to bat for them. If he really thinks he has a good reason for not giving you what you're asking for, he's doing a poor job of communicating to you.

Sounds like medical care from the days of communist Russia. The press might be very interested. 

Deanna, I know this may sound like a stupid question, but can't you ask to see the doctor? Just tell them that you have some issues that you don't feel are being met by the NP.

I don't know your doctor, but mine would absolutely want to see me in a case like that. I'm so sorry that they are putting you through all this. Is there perhaps a Medical Director in the group he belongs to, or is he in practice by himself? If there is a Medical Director, I think I would insist on speaking to him/her and let them know that you don't even know you doc, only the NP. And tell them your serious problems are not being addressed.

I am so angry for you

Best of luck. My prayers are with you.



Blue Heron has a very good point.  I too think it is time to alert the media.  You never know what might come of it and Deanna, you are an EXCELLENT writer.  I feel it is one more avenue to explore and possibly be heard. 

I just can not tell you how bad I feel that there is nothing that I can do to help you out.  I wish there was.  The medical field was part of our decision to come back home.  I just wasn't successful in getting the treatment I needed in AZ and really felt pushed aside.  There has to be a way to get you that chair.  We just haven't thought of it yet.  I am going to contact my husbands company.  They are HUGE into charity and I am going to try and get something done that way.  I am going to call HR tomorrow and find out who I talk to.  We will get you this chair one way or another. 

Eeeew.......if I ever had a Dr. that was like that I would say...nanananana, that is not the kind of patient I am, just hold your horses bud and give me my time thatI am paying you for. You went all those years to college to treat me and the rest of yoru patients, so just hear me out. Come to thik of it...I HAVE said that! lol *wink*

I went to an RD here that was flat as8 mean!Sooo the next visit I took my sis back in with me and he never even entered the room but stood outside the door and I asked the NP he scared now that my sister is here ??cause we sure didn't treat me that way last time he was here the jerk. Oh I WAS MAD/ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!I now drive 4 hours to my RD in Muncie for my care.

You have to do whatever it is you are comfotable with doing cause it will most likely follow you medically until  your dying day. Especially if the Dr. places it in your chart.They know everyone, so just be knowledgeable of that.

You were "DONE WRONG" my friend!


My first Rheumy had that same kind of manner with me.  I told him on my 3rd visit what he could do with his practice, and my outstanding 8 balance.  I then, with the help of my dermatologist, was referred to a wonderful rheumy, whom I have been seeing now for nearly 9 years. 

I know it's a pain to change doctors, and I know that it may result in further delays in your care...but in the long term, it may be worth it to start making that change now.  Research the best rheumatologists within 50 miles of your location, and set up some consultations to help you select someone who will treat the "whole" you, and not just your wallet.

Best of luck to you....I know this is so frustrating!


Somebody got on the ball today. I believe it was the office manager. I got a call that they are bringing me a wheelchair out tomorrow. Of course, I don't know how I'm supposed to use it since I have upper body problems, especially the left shoulder. But I'm taking it. Also, don't know if I will be able to lift it in and out of the car. But evidently you have to prove that you need the motorized scooter and that takes 3-4 months. Ahhhh!!!

Also, got a call that they are approving me for aquatic water therapy and all the rest of the stuff the Neurologist originally ordered. Unfortunately, it is a 30-40 minute drive one way, 3 times a week. But I do want the aquatic therapy.

Pain Specialist company also left a message saying that they'll help me switch to someone else. So, I can get rid of that loser.

Yes, I'm mad at the NP and I don't know why I can't see the "real doctor." However, I'm going to address that my next visit.

Claire, I've got too much riding on these authorizations. This is already the third doctor I've seen through my insurance. That's after waiting for two months to even get the state medical. I was told back in August that I absolutely needed the surgery and the Neurologist. Plus, I've been off Enbrel since then. So nothing is being done to treat my RA because I'm already maxed out on my meds and they are afraid to give me any more biologics. I just can't afford to add a couple more months of delay to my treatment.

I just had my cervical spine MRI which is critical to getting anything else done. I've waited months to see the ortho doctor for knee and shoulder surgery and I see him on Friday. Tomorrow, I see my new Rheumy for my second visit and I'm really hoping he has some new options for me. Besides, the Rheumy and the Ortho maybe able to put more pressure on the Primary doc and the insurance.

Someone pushed today, that's for sure.

I don't know if I'm up to contacting the media. Emotionally and physically this is very draining. I already feel exposed as I have to beg for help. I'll think on it. I am still hoping to hear some kind of reply from the governer and Senator McCain.

I am so exhausted from all the effort. I am terrified of sitting in that chair for the first time. I so don't want to do this.

Deanna, repeat after me:

"Wheelchair. Is. Not. Permanent."

Just like the toilet's not permanent: you sit there as long as you need to, but eventually you're going to get up.

It's just a temporary means to an end. That's all. You can do it.

Still... breathe deep. I am going to race Katie. We'll have to pick an equal distance in Florida and one here in Arizona and go for it. Justin cannot help her though. And, I'm going to race my best friend here little girl. She's lived her life in one. I just hope my arms are up to it. Otherwise, I don't know that I'm going to get very far.

U2 said it best........."Don't let the bastards get you down!"


[QUOTE=blue heron]

Deanna, repeat after me:

"Wheelchair. Is. Not. Permanent."

Just like the toilet's not permanent: you sit there as long as you need to, but eventually you're going to get up.

It's just a temporary means to an end. That's all. You can do it.


I love this!  What a great way to look at it! 

Deanna, I understand the trauma of waiting and fighting for the care you deserve.  I hope the new rheumy has some great options for you and is one who treats this disease as aggressively as it should be. 

Keep your chin up, and know that you're not alone.

I've been in and out of wheelchairs and crutches multiple times - they are not permenant, just another tool. Go to PT and do your best. Try not to worry.  

I got my chair. It is so comfortable. My place is definitely too small so my son will have to come and move things around. But I am very happy with it.

Now, I will have to work hard to get out of it. But for now, it is such a relief.
