I would just like to say... | Arthritis Information


Medicaid SUCKS!!

Or could be the doctors & pharmacy.

Or could be all 3 of them!!

I will have to go with all 3 of them!

Anyways, I go to the RD today for refills and check-up and to see if I can take my Humira.

I take that referral paper I got back in October to my RD's office and then the lady who does all the paperwork and all, tells me we do not accept patient 1st referrals, we accept medicaid, but this referral is for a patient 1st doctor.

Yeah, pretty crappy. I say.

So, then I wait 1hr 45mins to see the RD for 5 mins, and for him to tell me I look like I am doing better. I tell him I am tired and when I sleep I do not want to wake up, I do not feel like doing anything, and I just feel blah. He says "exercise". What gets me he says I am doing better, grant it I am better than when I went to see him the beginning of the year, I have more mobility, but I still have swelling in my right knee that keeps me from doing anything, including exercise. My knee was swelled today when I went to him, but did not show it to him. As I only get to see him for 5 mins and then he is out the door.

But I do have to say this... my RD is old as dirt. He recalls giving me a physical exam, and he never done that. Yeah, he is old and forgetful. So, him saying I look like I am doing better with being off my Humira for almost 2 months, he is just not remembering right. Just 2 days ago I was laying in bed because I could not move and had pain and almost like I was before going on Humira. And yet, I look like I am "doing better".

I need to find a new RD, one that can remember stuff.

So... come to find out I still owe my RD , because apparently medicaid has not paid them for my co-pays like they were suppose to because I incurred those medical bills while waiting on a decision for my SSI. So, they are suppose to pay that. Well, they said it got knocked down from my 0 to the and they have to resubmit claims. Then I try to find out how I get medicaid to cover my visits and the lady tells me they do not pay for my office visit co-pay.

Ok hold it right there!! I have talked to someone from medicaid and they said as long as I get referred to my RD they will pay my visit co-pays that my primary leaves over. I told the lady that and she still insisted no they did not.

I am about fed up with SSI & medicaid. I am to the point of letting it go after years of trying to get it. I did not get the other times before because I was too young and I am still too young for SSDI & medicare. So... I am stuck with this!

My kids are on medicaid and I do not have any problems out of it for them, why in the hell am I having so many problems!? Why do they leave it up to me to get everything straightened out? I did not have do anything for my kids medicaid except fill out a form to apply the rest they took care of.

Then... I go to get my RX's filled. And then go back to get them. They were not the 50 cents like they were to be. So... I have them re-run it and then the lady tells me that I no longer have medicaid coverage.

Yeah... I have no medicaid for the month of December, because they estimate hubby to make a little under 00 gross this month. So, I got no check and no medicaid.

And the sad thing is... hubby will not even come close to making that this month. He is off a whole week for Christmas and New Years, and he cannot get unemployment either because he has one vacation day left over and they are going to get holiday pay for 3 of the days and then 2 of the days are a weekend which they do not work on weekends. So...

I am screwed. If I could work I would so go to work.

I am so upset right now. I just want to cry and have cried.

Joonie, it sucks, no doubt. First, you have to talk to your Medicaid case manager. Now, they are going to give you all kinds of grief, but don't give up. If your husband is not going to make that money, then they shouldn't be penalizing you. Besides most states have problems for medically vulnerable people that will keep you from getting kicked off the program.

But you are going to have to fight. Going through something similar so I know. Also, you just state on the next bill from the doctor that this is supposed to be paid by Medicaid, not you. Don't pay it.

In the meantime, call back to your doctor and see if they have samples. You ask to talk to doctor's medical assistant. On the other matter of the copay, you talk to the office manager because that does not sound right. I have a dollar copay for my primary and none for my specialists.

The reason that your kids are not having problems is that kids kind of get a free pass. Adults in need do not.

If you still can't get you meds, call the drug manufacturer's and explain the situation to them. They might help you out.


Thanks Deanna.

I am just confused and am tired of it. I am a quiter.

I will see if i have a case manager tomorrow and see what I can get done.

Don't give up Joonie...this is important. Your heath care is very expensive and it's important that you do all you can to make sure your health care is provided for....you can do this.

You are a quiter....but you can change. Think of this as your job. If you can secure your health care it's as good as a pay check! Very likely; it's better. (Finacially for your family I mean)

I'm not trying to be mean. I truely believe you can handle this! Don't give up....I know you're frustrated.

I will not give up until I talk to some sort of case manager.

Oh yeah! and I did talk to the office manager of my RD's office.

I believe you can do this. Look, I'm this really short woman who can barely walk, hardly take care of herself. I don't look formidable at all. But I keep fighting because my other option of giving up is just not going to work. I can't let my kids see me just give up. Somedays, that is the only thing that forces me beyond all the barriers.

Joonie, you appear to be a force to contend with. Weren't you the woman you broke her elbow and just kept going?

I know you have this in you.

Did medicaid pay for your surgery?

Joonie, I'm going to argue with you. You're not a quitter.

I know you feel like quitting. We all do at some point or another, even the most stubborn and tenacious of us. It's ok to feel that way. We just can't wallow in it for too long. That will to live, take care of ourselves, and make a good life if not just for ourselves then for our loved ones, has to kick in. A lot of times we have to make it kick in.

Doesn't that stink? We have to work ourselves so hard to keep going and not quit, and after that we have to find MORE energy for actually fighting the battles that we wanted to quit from.

You've been doing this for some time already. Everyone's right. You have a strong spirit and have a stubborn core. You and that elbow, for sure!

A box of dead rats to the medical system this week and a hug to you. Keep going.



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