tennis elbow? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone out there had trouble with tendonitis in their elbow? I had it for 2 years, finally it stopped hurting this summer and now with the little bit of needlework I've done lately, the pain is back. I had a cortisone shot about 8 months ago which hurt like hell and did nothing for the pain.

Since it took forever to be diagnosed with RA, I'm wondering if this is connected. Now I'm back to square one and not being able to use my arm againHi Miles, yes, I had tendonitis from the swelling and inflammation in my elbow joint.  I was diagnosed with PA this last year and PA was more painful than RA.  PA was the culprit in both elbows.  Now that I'm on Remicade and MXT it's controlled.Yes, RA affects conncetive tissue. I have had tendonitis in many places including a trigger finger. I was unable to bend my middle finger. It would stick straight up unless I snapped it down with my other hand (which could be quite painful). My dr told me this was caused by an inflamed tendon at the base of the finger.

An hour after my first Enbrel injection it was gone.If your meds aren't controlling it, ask for xrays and PT. Problems with tendonitis are one sign that your RA is not under good control. Just don't ignore or let the doctor ignore it either. That's how your come up with permanent damage.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm dealing with yet, but I have had tendonitis as well.  Last winter I found a lump near my elbow, not too alarming since I tend to get lumps, but I felt that perhaps it was pressing on a nerve.  So I saw an orthopedic doctor and he really didn't feel that it had anything to do with it.  Since i had been dealing with it for  awhile though I had to have nerve testing to see if I had sustained any damage which fortunately I had not.  Regular prescription strength doses of ibuprofen helped a little but I didn't want the cortisone.  Also sleeping with a towel wrapped around the joint so that I could'nt sleep with it bent helped.  Hope that you are feeling better soon.

You're right. My RA isn't under control. Plaquenil and MTX didn't work so RD put me on sulfasalazine 2 months ago and had my first injection of Humira last week.  I'm so happy to hear that the meds should work for tendonitis too. I know it's too early to tell yet, but hopefully after another month or two I'll feel the difference. I had tendonitis yrs before a dx and finally had surgery at the elbow.  The surgery worked fantastic as I could not use the arm at all but now that the RA is going strong and rheumy thinks PA as well it is all back.  So I agree that these diseases cause tendonitis and hope the Enbrel I start soon helps.I had severe tendonitis in both shoulders at the same time.  One was accompanied by a torn rotator cuff, which was surgically repaired.  While I was under anesthesia, they also shot both shoulders full of cortisone.  After 6 weeks of PT, it was all resolved and hasn't returned.  Keeping your RA under control is very important, as is being kind to your joints.I am plagued with it too. It is RA at work.I'm really happy to read everyone else's experiences. I am just about to leave to see my Rheumy and tomorrow my new Ortho. Between the two, maybe they can help me. At least I know it is possible to get relief because my tendonitis keeps me from using my left arm entirely at times.

I get tendonitis in my elbows, especially when I do weight training. I told my RD that yesterday and he told me not to do those exercises anymore or to just use light weights. 

Wow, that really reads like whining. Sorry.


I agree,this whole thing sucks

I have found some lifts I still can do but not at the weight I was using before. I use to "chuckle" when I looked at 5 or 10 lb. weights. Ha. The joke is on me. I can still use my legs except on the days my hip or lower back is bothering me. I try to stay up-beat and think about all the things I can do. One of the hardest  things to temporarily give up is walking. I use to walk miles every day and now the pain in my heel is so bad I can't even walk down the street without extreme pain.I totally relate on the laughing at 5 or 10 lb. dumbells. I've felt for years that I'm past those and would never need them again. Guess I was wrong. I will say this, though. For now, I'm gonna power through and keep lifting until it gets unbearable. I just hope it takes a little while.  Good luck to you as well!My son is 23 he teaches tennis, he had the same problem,
He took OmegaXL, today he is saying, "I will not be without OmegaXL" You can try a bottle for free, just pay the shipping.
Hope this helps.