back on Humira | Arthritis Information


Goood morning???!! Just an update. I was taken off of Humira because I was breaking out everywhere and itching. I went back to the Doc on the 7th and he put me back on Humira and said to take benadryl  about a half hour before my injection and for a few days after. He also prescribed predisone (if needed). Well I did it and hardly broke out whatsoever.Didn't even need the pred.  I felt great for a few days and even started my Christmas shopping. I did a 7 hour power shopping trip. By the time I got back home I was ready to collapse!! I suffered the next day because ofcourse I over did it. again!! Hope ya'll are having a good morning!

Thanks for posting this, Hon. I'm jumping through the hoops right now to get started on Humira, and I'm trying to research others' experiences with it while we wait for program approval, so this helps me. I also have psoriasis and very dry, sensitive skin, so this info. may come in handy for me later on.

Hope you continue to have better results with the Benadryl added on your injection days!

Happy Holidays!

Good Luck CinDee....hopefully you'll have better success this time.

Jodi; I've been on Humira now for two years. I take it weekly and I've gotten really good results. Hope everything works out for you and you'll be able to try it soon as well. It's been a god send for me!

Thanks, Lovie... good news and good to know! Hoping I'll also have great results. Turned in my paperwork about an hour ago... we'll see what happens.

Happy Holidays!


Thanks everyone!!  I am still feeling pretty good. (I don't want to jinx myself)ha ha......It is even raining. I still am having aches and pains but nothing like before. I have so much more energy.

Good Luck to you too Jodi and Happy Holidays!


Sounds good Cindee.  I find I just keep Benedryl around.  Sometimes I get itchy and anxious, take a benedryl and everything is fine.  I think it is one of the more benign drugs