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I have taken on all the laundry and putting dishes away as I spend less time on my feet.  Anyway today, I was amazed.  I had been doing laundry all morning and I said to Colton, I really need a nap.  Can you bring your music in your room.  Brett piped in and said "Roxanne needs a nap everyday and you have to give her the space she needs. "

Kelsey got this beautiful mirror for Christmas from craigslist and Colton got an internet game.  They are not asking for any more as they know this Christmas we are tight.  What great kids we have.  YAY!  Time and patience....time and patience.  You do have great kids and it looks like you and Brett are on the way to rebuilding things.  I would love for Brett and Danny to talk sometime.  I feel Danny might have some insight on how to help Brett adjust and deal with the RA and what it does to not only us, but to our spouses also.


Good Roxy

I sure wished my ex-fiance' would have tried that diligently on our relationship, guys don't always want to do that but it sounds as though your guy is really making the effort and wants to make it work. Big congrats!

That's wonderful news Roxy! It sounds like Brett is starting to "get it" a little more each day. Hope you have a fabulous weekend with your family! Beautiful, Roxy. I'm happy for the happy signs in your house today.