Anemia and RA?? | Arthritis Information


My Doctor called me and told mne he has been watching my blood counts and that it is somewhat elevated.  Said I maybe anemic and that it could be iron- deficient anemia.  Does anyone else have this?  If yes, what do you do?


I take 7.5 MTX, planquenil and salsalate.  I have had RA for 4.5 years.

I have Anemia of Chronic Illness. (an iron anemia) Not much to do for it accept treat the underlying cause.

Common Iron deficiency can be treated with iron supplements in most cases. Don't take 'em with milk or antacids.

A friend of mine with PA and an inflamed spleen needed to take infusions of iron, once a week for 5 weeks. (she couldn't absorb the pills gastrointestinally)



Hello, I also have been chronically anemic.  My suggestions is to talk to your doctor about getting tested for celiac.  RA and anemia are two indicators and Rhuemy's don't think to test cause it's a GI autoimmune issue - gluten intolerance.  -Suzi

It's quite common for people with RA to be anemic.  Sometimes its caused by the disease itself and sometimes by the medicine we take.  There are various forms of iron supplements that are available over the counter.  Some are easier on the digestive system than others.  Ask your doctor for suggestions.

A word of caution, I just got news this week that I am so anemic from MTX toxicity that I have bone marrow damage. I told my doctor that I've been showing as anemic for years but they never did anything about it. And, I did ask about it repeatedly.

Now, in my case, all my other blood work was fine except for being anemic and having a sed rate of 36. So I might actually be in remission. That's about where it was back in July/August. My former Rheumy didn't do anything about trying to figure out why I was anemic.

This new Rheumy said that this type of anemia (I guessing he's talking about aplastic anemia) could suddenly kill me in a couple of weeks. He pulled me off the MTX cold and started me on Folinic Acid (also called leucovorin).I guess this has happened to others who have had to have bone marrow biopsies.

Just make sure your doctor is clear on exactly what your numbers are and the type of anemia that you have. Also, be very sure you take your folic acid. I also have, but this still happened.

Just one more thing to stay sharp about.

There is an FDA approved home anemia test called the Biosafe "anemia meter" that tests hemoglobin levels.  It's pretty easy to use and costs about .


Yes Deanna, my Doctor and I will visit next week and he wants to do a few tests.  He said it is showing all the signs of being an iron deficiency, but he will take no chances.  For over 20 years now I hardly eat any beef or eggs so I know my diet is to blame.  The Doc also asked me about my periods and any problems I am having.  I started perimenopause about 1 year ago and he said that was about the time this really showed up.  I just started MTX about 7 weeks ago and he knows I am paranoid about it and want everything checked out.  That is why he called me.

my blood results are all fine except everything to do with iron.  I get my bone marrow biopsy results tomorrow.  If things are OK the hematologist wants to start me on a new synthetic hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. He said he would give me some IV iron too.  I would just love to have some energy and be able to think straight.  Oxygen can do this so I hope that everything will be OK tomorrow and I can start on this new therapy.  I also hope I don't have to be taken off anything.


Pam, good luck and please let us know how it proceeds.Hi everyone - low iron does not always go hand in hand with RA.   I have been vegetarian for 24 years but my iron levels are & have always been high. Iron pills can be dangerous so be sure to have your iron levels checked before taking them. As Suzi has said in her post celiac disease can contribute to low iron levels & it seems to be getting more & more common for some reason . It seems a lot of people with RA have problems with the absorption of iron but it can be easily checked out with a blood test.