New Here | Arthritis Information


I am 44 years old and have had RA for 25 yr. I have Been reading alot of your posts over the last couple months, learning something new everyday! In the past I have had bilateral knee replacements, shoulder replacement, elbow replacement, and I am actually feeling good. I take Humira, Mtx, Mobic, and have been on this combo for two yrs and seems to be working! Best thing I did for my health was to move from the East coast to the West coast. I know thats not everyones answer but it worked for me!
dinksmomWelcome Dinksmom.  I hope a year from now I tell you the best thing I ever did was move from CA to OR Thanks Roxy

    I hope it works for you in Oregon,close to your family. My move was for the climate. The Ohio humidity and the frigid winters were getting unbearable. Hard part was leaving my family back east but now they have a great vacation spot when the come to visit. I have been through alot in the last 25 years but I will never let RA beat me I am kinda of stubborn that way.
Welcome to the board! It sounds like you are doing well and
you have found a med combo that is good for you. We look
forward to hearing more from you!