Son-In -law home from Iraq | Arthritis Information


I went to a funeral the other day of a local man who lost his life in Iraq.His wife and two young sons feel he died a hero .I do too. My son-in-law was in Iraq for 19 months.....I thank God he came home alive to raise my two grandchildren with my daughter.I do not agree with all the administration does over there but I am very careful in how I discuss it........Of course he was a hero and so is your SIL!!!  You see, we may or may not agree the powers who made this monumental decision called "The Iraq War", but the boys and girls (the soldiers) that are sent there will always be heroes, they are doing their jobs, following their orders, leaving their families and laying down their lives -They are heroes!!!  Hugs and good vibes.

I agree. They are heros. I think this is the one thing that we might have learned as a country from the Vietnam war. All those young people that died over there and then they were treated so bad when they came home.

I have tremendous respect and gratitude for those people who are brave enough to serve. It doesn't matter if I agree with the administration for sending them. That's something I need to take up with my elected officials. But honor belongs to those who serve our country.

One of my dearest friends has two sons, two years apart.  The older son has spent one year in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.  He has completed his length of service but is scared to death to get called back.  Her younger son is in his second tour of duty in Iraq.  My heart breaks for her.  I am so happy your son is home and he is a hero.  My friend is my hero, she has had to be so brave.  I pray when her second son comes home in Feb., she will be through with these almost six years of hell.  Our soldiers families really need support.  I am so close to my daughter and protective of her - I don't know if I could function wondering if she were in harm's way everyday.  I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU FORD.  You could get no better Christmas present I am so happy your son in law came home!  My heart and prayers go out those families whose loved ones do not return. 