Pain all the time, even without inflammat | Arthritis Information


Need some info on others who have this.

I have RA and Anemia, I am on 150mg of iron per day, prednisone, celebrex, arava and ultram daily.

I have been to my family doctor and to my RA doc getting many tests done and they can't seem to find out why I still hurt and why I hurt where I do.

I have pain all day every day in the lower back, in the calf muscles, in the tops of the hands, hips, and basicly anywhere that is not a joint.

The pain aches so much that when i get the pain under control mostly with the RA joint areas, the other pain just won't go away.

They have taken all sorts of tests for chronic anemia, becets disease, celiac diseas etc. etc. etc. but can't figure out what is wrong.

Recently i even had a muscle test to see if i had a muscular disease and it too was negative.

Any info, if you have related to this and have had help from your doctors would be greatly appreciated.

Have your docs tested you for Fibromyalgia?  That is almost what your muscle aches sound like.  Are you tired even with iron supplements?  I agree with a Fibro test at you rheumy.  I have it and it sure sounds similar.DITTO....sounds like fibro....have your doc check the tender
points to diagnose.


Yah, I find that in the middle of the day I can't keep my eyes open at the computer.  Sometimes i can force through it, but other times there is absolutely no way at all that I can stay awake.

Have they found new ways of treating Fibro yet that isn't a way to treat arthritis?

I was hoping it was the iron problem, but the sleepyness never stops.

I also am having trouble sleeping.  I actually sleep all night like a rock, but my mind is so very active that I am still just as tired in the morning as I am at night.

Sounds like fibro to me.  I didn't have the tender points in the beginning so they ruled it out but still had the muscle aches.  Now the doctor just slightly presses on tender points without me knowing it, I fly off the table.  I am beginning to think Fibro is worse than RA.  I hope I change my mind when I finally get back in the pool.  Your symptoms sound just like fibro.  Are you on an antidepressant?

No, Im not on one, but should.

I get depressed from the amount of pills im already taking so i don't want to take another, I get depressed from the pain, i get depressed cuz i can't do things that i want etc.
