Something I found that helps with my pain | Arthritis Information


 I know how people in newgroups hate when people come in and try to sell something but I have been a lurking member for a long time but had to register again for some reason. I suffer with arthritis and chronic pain in all of my major joints. I found a new product which is a heating pouch and it helps with my pain, in fact it helps me so much I decided to be a dealer for it.

All I ask is that you take a look at it, if you think it won't help you then no problem but as a chronic pain patient I know what pain feels like and to live with it 24/7.

I currently have a listing on Ebay for the product which is called JointHeat and I'm selling them for until retail with free shipping.  I'm not looking to get rich I really just want to share what I found because it has helped me so much.

I apoligize to anyone who is offended by this post, I just thought if I can help others with their joint pain I should try. Here is the link ; ;sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=20005994 8707&rd=1&rd=1


Hey eaglepu,

It's too bad that people like you can't be put in prison for preying on people with pain. Scammers like you know that a certain percentage of people with pain will buy just hoping for that miracle cure or relief. Do you even know what RA is? Sure, you aren't looking to get rich, just whatever amount you can hustle. How can you live with yourself. Certainly it should be eagle p u, you stink.

Sorry but your 2 are dead wrong but this is america feel what you want. It worked for me and I never said it would work for anyone else, I just gave them the info.


 because I do care because I do suffer from chronic pain and am on disability. So for the 2 that judged me you got it wrong...

Also you lied and said you are a lurking member when you
njust joined today. Give it up, we are too smart for you!Ask the admin how long I have been a member, I had to re -register today to get in. but believe what you want... those who look , thank you 
arriscolwell39083.5781944444I actually thought his post was pretty respectful. I think people should be leary of developing knee jerk reactions to posts like this. Some people actuallu have products that can help. its priced at .00 here in uk??????????????? then the shipping costs to the states. Why does it cost so much to buy it form here an only .00 in the statesOk guys, I have one and I use it. I didn't buy it from Eagle PI.  He doesn't say that it cures or heals, just that it helps the pain.  Heat and ice can help painful joints and I use both depending on the site, inflammation, swelling, and if it's RA/OA/PA that's acting up.  We all know that heat and ice can help relieve the pain so I'm not sure why the response to this topic, other than he's using the forum to sell a device.  When there's no moderator or active administrator this happens. He could just as well advertise on the side bar along side the postings.  This is a benign product compared to some of the advertising that I've seen in the side bars.  And yes, it does help relieve the pain.

Whatever the poster's intent spam is spam is spam.

Hey if this really wraps on the shoulder like it looks I am quite interested!!  I was wondering though, you said .00 but when I go to the link you gave us it says .99 - how do I get it for the .00.  Hugs and good vibes. Go to walmart. Hahaha

If this had been found on one of the websites by me and I posted about the benefits of this product and put a link in my post would all of you called my post spam?  In the past I've seen forum members post with links to helpful products, advice, etc.  I understand spam as well as the next person and I'm not so sure this was spam but then maybe I'm wrong.  Would someone define spam?  I want to make sure that I'm not put in the position of being a spammer when I politely try to help. This is not a Kokonut, or at least I hope it doesn't turn out to be that bad.  

I do question the difference in price and I'd like to know how this can be ordered for .00?  I paid more than .00 for mine and it's worth every penny and then some.  It's quite effective.


Whoops, Lynk, didn't see your link to wikipedia before I posted above.  Still it isn't an abusive or unneeded posting.  It is an advertisement for a product but it's a helpful product and not some off the wall remedy or useless product thats costly.  It's only a heating pad.  It's not a kokonut posting which I would never aknowledge and others seem to find amusing because the thread goes on and on.  Anyway, my knee hurts and I'm going back to bed with my new heating pad. 

There's a difference between one of us posting a link to something that we've found that helps....and someone posting a link to something that they personally are selling. Think about it. I think everyone needs to take a chill pill!  Kokonuts has everyone so hypersensitive about spam, that we go on a feeding frenzy if there is a whiff of possible spam.  I read the post, wondered what the intentions were of the poster, but decided that it was ambiguous enough that I would wait and see how it evolved.  Was this a one time thing, or as in Kokonuts case, constant harassment. 

This person's intentions may have been pure and genuine.  Their method for introducing themselves to the group may have been a bit off base, but goodness knows I have made a few comments in the past I wish I could take back, LOL!  If they turn out to be nothing but a spammer, we haven't lost anything by keeping an open mind and allowing their true colors to show.

My take: Sorry, Hon, but being polite and apologetic does not change the fact that yes, this post was spam. Having your own pain and understanding how we feel does not change the fact that this post was spam.

If I posted that drinking black cherry juice daily seemed to be helping with my pain, that's one thing; if I posted that drinking black cherry juice was helping AND I happened to be selling it, here's my contact info., well, that, my Dear, is spam.

PLEASE don't post spam. No matter how well-intended.


Okay been surfing the web (walmarts doesn't have any).  The cheapest place I found one was and it's .95. 

Not sure if this was spam or not - don't really care because this is actually something that could be useful (to me at least).  So I for one will say thanks for bringing this product to my attention and I would really say thanks if you tell me how I can get it for .00 and free shipping.  Hugs and good vibes.

For those iinterested,  I paid and some small change for mine and was bought in a durable medical equipment store.  It was recommended by my physical therapist.  It wasn't an internet purchase or a recommendation by someone who posts to a forum. 

[QUOTE=Linda B]. . . Still it isn't an abusive or unneeded posting.  It is an advertisement for a product. . . [/QUOTE]

The first sentence of the Wiki article on forum spam: "Spam is the posting of advertisements, abusive, or unneeded messages on Internet Forums."

Adverts are spam. Spam is spam is spam. This is starting to sound like a Monty Python episode.

It still doesn't matter to me if this was spam, - big spam - little spam - I actually learned of a new product that could help me, so technically in my case this was info spam.


 Also what would those of you who object say if I had just posted about the product and how good it works and told everyone to find it by doing a google search?  would that have been spam??

I only offered it for sale because I know NOBODY sells it as cheap as I can, most sell it for .99 - .99 plus shipping in most cases.


"Spam spam spams spami spamo, beans, spam spamette spam spam spam spam. Spam, sausage, spamed."

We come to this forum seeking advice, information, discussion, opinion, friendship and understanding.

You came to sell.

It's not ok to advertise on a forum and I believe you are well aware of that fact. You've gotten alot of mileage off this advertisment thread and I think it's enough.

this board isn't moderated?

i'm making no comments to the content of this thread, just want information on the question i posed.

No. It's not moderated. Well, there IS a moderator...supposedly, but they don't do anything. Ever. Hah. Did I just step in that? Yuck.Well here goes - I am totally interested and so I sent you my information.  Hugs and good vibes.

  ok  guys  I  sent  them my  info  and  they  did  ship me one  of  the  joint  heat  pads  at  no  cost . I  will try it  out  and   give  you  all   a  very honest opinion of  them.



Have had mine for awhile and I love it.  It fits around and in all the little places and heats the whole joint, not just parts of the joint.

I've held off making a comment here to see where it was going. But I have to state that this is something that I would actually considering purchasing myself and have wished for something that would wrap around a sore joint this well.

I don't think that the intentions were bad as have been those of other spammers. He has posted only in this thread, explained his reason for posting in a logical fashion.

I hate spammers as much as anyone else. But going to extremes either way still hurts us all. This is not a magic concoction or mysterious, unobtainable herb. It is a reasonably priced special heating pad.

Maybe we can give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he didn't realize he was stepping on our preinjured toes. Yes, it is technically spam. But sometimes, people do make honest mistakes. I have to think that maybe this time this is what happened and the fact that they are trying to make up for it has to be given some credit.

I honestly don't understand why ppl get so angry when someone comes here trying to sell something.  They get all riled up...saying things like "I come here to get advice, not to get upset".   As far as I'm concerned they get themselves upset by responding to something that upsets them.  We all know that this board is not moderated, so if you're not interested, ignore the post and go on to something that interests you.  It's really very simple.  And as we all can see, some people are interested in this product.  So why not let everyone judge for themselves.  You're either interested or you're not. I also sent my info and am waiting for the heating pouch.  [QUOTE=kelstev]I honestly don't understand why ppl get so angry when someone comes here trying to sell something.  They get all riled up...saying things like "I come here to get advice, not to get upset".   As far as I'm concerned they get themselves upset by responding to something that upsets them.  We all know that this board is not moderated, so if you're not interested, ignore the post and go on to something that interests you.  It's really very simple.  And as we all can see, some people are interested in this product.  So why not let everyone judge for themselves.  You're either interested or you're not.[/QUOTE]

WTK Kelstev!   By the way, this is a product I will be checking up on. I suffer from elbow pain.

Guy, you're selling it therefore it's spam.  If you want people to know of the product and how well it works, link it to somewhere in wallgreens or walmart online or something.  Then  we know you aren't a spammer, otherwise if it looks like a chicken and clucks like a chicken then it must be a chicken.

The reaspon people get upset is many of us have horrible RA cases and would wish for the right cure and when people like this come around stating they have it so you need to "buy" it from "them" many will do that.

My first year of RA i spent so much money on qwack things that I have hated these posters ever since.  They took my money and now i don't want them to take other peoples money.

Giving advice is ok, but don't sell the product and leave.  It's just wrong.  Too many people don't know better as to not buy every "cure" that comes along, many can't get meds to work and are desperate and they don't know that these things will not work if they have a bad case of RA.

They are mini versions of the insurance guys that get old ladies to dish out thousands of dollars only to skip town.

I wish people stood up back when i was tricked into these sales persons, I would have saved hundreds of dollars.

It just upsets me that most of these people really never had RA, they just want to make a buck.  It doesn't matter that the product works or not, what upsets me is the "i have it" when they don't, or the "my mom has it" or my favorite "grandma has it and is now cured".  You see it 500 times and it is upsetting.


There are always going to be people in this world trying to make a buck.  You can't get away from that...heck, take a look at this site...right now I see ads for snoring, bi polar depression and asthma.  Doesn't mean I have to get myself all worked up about it.  I don't want it, so I don't look at it. 

We all wish for a cure...that doesn't give us the right to bash someone when they try to sell something that people may want to try.  In this particular case, there have been posts from people saying that YES, they wanted to try this. 



I am the co-inventor of the product that has cause such a stir. However, I did not author the original message to this string. I was alerted - via a webwide search worm program we use - that our company name had been used in a Yahoo forum. I popped in, saw the situation and threw in my 2c worth. (please see my previous post)

I totally empathise with you. I started a cervical cancer group several years ago (had written a book about it). We had several hundred members and helped lots of people; however, the group started to get spammed (BIGTIME). To stay ahead of the problem would require a full time group monitor. Long story short: Everyone got disgusted with the spam and it destroyed the group. Long story short / no one posts any more and the group is dead.

So I get it, bubbagump. It is a bad situation.

Please allow me to proffer a response to your well-made points:

First, we are offering to give 5 members one of our Heating Pouches at no cost / no shipping charges, so that they can test them and make a totally unbiased report to your group. I do not know how one could be more forthright - in that there is always the possibility that one or more of those who receive our product could have some sort of problem with it and make a bad report. (i.e. they may attempt to use it w/o reading the Instruction booklet and ???)

Your concern with regard to those who try to represent themselves as having RA, but do not, is understandable. I had that problem with 'hired lurkers' in our group. It is a BIG problem.

Nonetheless, in this case, I will tell you that the person who posted the original message (call him "Ron") was actually a customer of ours a few months ago. He contacted us recently and said he liked the Heating Pouch so much that he wanted to become a reseller. He was putting together a website where his intention is to sell only products that had helped him with his problems with RA. (He is living on disability.) He purchased a fairly large inventory.

He doesn't know that I posted to the group and, because he was so bothered by the attacks on him, I doubt that he will ever return - on his own. But hopefully, we can salvage this situation. If so, I plan to tell him what happened and ... who knows ... maybe some of you guys will purchase a few units from him later.

By the way, we have only shipped 3 units to the members and we promised 5. So if you want one of the 2, please let us know asap.

Best regards.

William Lewis


Just wanted to report that I contacted William Lewis, he got right back to me and will be sending a unit to me. I will try it on whatever is hurting and let you all know what I think.

What a bunch of sneaky-snakes they are. First comes that low life eaglepi. He found the product and decided to become a sales rep. He spams his stuff on this forum knowing that it is spam. The other low lifes that you see when you open this forum posted to the left selling miracle cures have paid for the right to advertise. Not these sneaky-snakes. So some of the members to this group give eagle some flak for spamming. Boo hoo hoo we hurt his spamming feelings. Then comes along his boss and lets us know that we hurt eagles feelings and slick willie had to explain the mistakes eagle made and come to eagles defense letting us know that eagle doesn't know that slick willie is writing. Of course rather than apologizing for the spam, slick willie offers to by off 5 members with a free product. The sneaky-snakes continue their free advertisement and sales on this forum.

Okay there are members that see no problem with spammers. If you want to allow spammers there should be a new message board and allow all spammers, not just some very slick sneaky-snakes.

Now it's time to alert the authorities to slick willie and his product and practices. Better call your lawyers willie.

To those of you that know nothing about slick willie and his co-horts, you need to think twice before giving them any of your information.

Calm down calm down. It's not so much  SPAM as the content of the spam. There is good spam, and there is bad spam. Bad spam is when someone is trying to make a quick buck, phish for your personal information, or just generally screw you over in some fashion. I know where you're coming from though, I used to be the same way. This is the first spamming experience that has taught me something. So read on.

But lets face it...a business is a business and people need to sell their product. There are MANY MANY ways to advertise - very few are free, or efficient. The original poster did it wrong. We realize that, I think he realizes that. The owner/developer of the product has done EVERYTHING right. Apologized, offered condolences, and for someone to try the product for free. Quit talking about "sneaky snakes" and dig way down in your memory and come up with the last time ANYONE offered you something more than a sample sausage for free. Hard to do, isn't it?

If you do not feel comfortable giving you your information, DON'T. Your advice on that matter is a big....gloom and doom. There are safe ways around that. For example - I gave my work address. And yes, I'm getting one. It is on its way and I have a tracking number to prove it.

Not everyone in life is trying to sell you ocean front property in Nebraska. If that were the case, we'd be in serious trouble.

If you would like more information on this product and its authenticity, perhaps instead of bashing the person, you could ASK. I did, and got a wonderful response. Do not condemn what you don't know. "Spam" should always be researched before being ignored. I guarantee you that every time someone pops up a product name on this board, I go straight to google to find out about it.

It is the sellers responsibility to disclose all pertinent information in regards to the products they are selling.

It is the CONSUMERS RESPONSIBILITY to verify said information.

So from now on, instead of slamming EVERY person who offers us new product information, lets do the responsible thing, and take 5 minutes out of our day to find out a little more about the product. That's not asking too much, is it?

I agree with Katie. My problem was with spammers who had a habit of insulting and demeaning people on the board. We have really had some problems with that. Or, some are so obviously selling that they are out of place. But there are things that do help RA sufferers. Flax Seed Oil for one. Great for your joints. Available almost every where. And cheap. But a lot of people don't know about it.

No, I don't sell it or have connections with anyone that does. I go to my local grocery or pharmacy. I am just using it as an example.

Generally, most of us have agreed to just ignore the nasty ones until they go away or to write a polite message asking them to leave. Bashing seems a bad way to go about solving the problem.

I thinking warning others that it is a scam is important if you know for sure that it is. We get lots of new people here that just don't know. We should protect them.

Katie, You sound like a new sales rep. Spam is spam. Which part of that are you missing. I have a feeling that you have been associated with slick willie and the company for some time and that you are probably helping the company at other forums also, right? What is it going to do Katie? Anything better than the the good free advise given by real "want to help for free" members. How many times have we heard, "Use heated dry rice". Free good advise that really works and does not cost .95 plus shipping.

Katie how about keeping this forum spam free. Is that asking too much. This forum is supposed to be spam free but maybe we should consult with you to see which should be allowed. Or maybe we should allow all spam. Which do you prefer Katie. All of them or just the ones that pay you endorse their product. Keep working at it Katie, you will probably get some free ocean front property in Nebraska.


Larry....this site is NOT anyone can post ANYTHING. Thanks kelstev. It's not moderated, which is part of what upsets us about it. Part of why we started another site, that IS moderated. I've already answered you on another thread levlarry, but I'll say it again. I don't know this guy from Joe. Never heard of the product until now. You're right, hot rice packs are GREAT. There's nothing wrong with them. If I want to try this product, and I want to say that I like it, I'm entitled to that. Just as you are entitled to sit here and make assumptions about me, based on opinions, and not facts. Whatever floats yer boat hunny. I think everyone else here has understood what I was getting at, if you fail to understand it then I'm sorry I couldn't put it any clearer for you. Perhaps you should find a board that is moderated, since situations like this seem to upset you so much. arriscolwell39083.7289930556

Spam posting is when people post a link to something they sell just to make a buck.

We see this time and time again over the internet where someone talks about how this worked for their grandmother etc. when all they are doing is telling a lie just to make a buck.

The majority of posters in forums that link to a link that pays them are just here to make a buck.  If they actually used something and liked it, more than likely they didn't spend hours trying to figure out how to sell it.

It's a confusing thing, but I personally have spent hundreds of dollars this past year due to posts like this on stuff that is nothing but junk or pills that wouldn't even help my dog.

So I fully understand why people get so offensive.

Bubba, it would be very helpful to everyone if you posted what you have tried and found to be a waste of money.   I think that would be a very helpful discussion!

I bet a lot of us have tried things that just don't deliver what they promised.  That would be a very helpful, positive look at one of the issues that face folks with arthritis.


PS  - I guess I can understand people getting upset about the issue of spam, and getting DEFENSIVE, but I really am saddened by people getting OFFENSIVE.  Just my two cents. . .

Well, I for one am interested in knowing how it actually works.  The people who were lucky enough to take up the free offer, PLEASE report to us what you think.  I am interested in it for my ankles as I am tired of trying to tie my regular heating pad around with ribbon to hold it in place.  I will wait for your reports. 

I looked at the ebay thing posted and it looked like it was closed, is there another place to order them from?

micheleb - back on page 2 I posted a link for this product it was the cheapest place I could find - you could also email the gentleman who posted here from the company.  I am one who has been quite interested in this product since the original post and I also was one who asked for a free one which they are sending.  I'll definitely let you all know how it works.  Hugs and good vibes.     Has anyone received this product yet? Does it work for you?I'm due to recieve mine tomorrow or friday. I'll let you know. I want to say that mark already got his, but I might be wrong. mark??OK Thanks

yes  I  have  it.  well  so  far  it  is  nice  I  am not   sure  I  would  have  spent  49  dollars  on it  but  it  does  stay on  your  knee   very  well  or  elbow,  shoulder  ect.

  it  works  well   I  am  still  experimenting  with  it  some.




I bought mine several months ago and have been using it.  It works well, covers and wraps around the joint and heat is delivered on all sides.  Just received mine today and will be trying it out this evening - can't figure what needs it the most - the knee or the shoulder.


I"m still concerned with the price tag though. It seems that the people who need things like this the most, cannot afford such a price. I know I probably couldn't. I'm very lucky in getting to try it for free. I understand the cost of production, but I also understand budgets!!!! We'll see if I can find them anywhere else on the web for a more reasonable price - should it turn out that we all like it so much.

Okay - gotta tell you this thing is nice!!!  It is heat all over the joint not just one place - so far so good.  I am not constantly tugging on it and moving it. 

Katie - I thought in an earlier post when I asked where to find one cheaper you said Walmarts?  I couldn't find it on their website and mostly just don't go to the store because I hate doing all the walking etc.  Anyway - the ones I found on line cost from .95 to .95. Linda B said she got one at a medical supply store for about .00.  But I gotta tell you it seems to be worth it so far!!!!  Hugs and good vibes.

Oh I was just guessing about the walmart. They just have everything. LOL


Perhaps E-bay?

I went to Walgreens to pick up my prescription and saw one just like it with the heating pads. I bought one and paid .95. Actually, I didn't pay anything cuz' my sis got me this lame chair thingy  and it didn't work and I took it back and they didn't have anymore sooooooo, I saw it and bought it. It is made by Sunbeam. Works pretty dang good too!

I checked in Shands Hospital Jacksonville on Jan. 2 with a kidney stone the size of a Coke bottle. The surgeon hit a 'bleeder' and had to close w/o doing anything. Will try again in a cpl of weeks.

I am telling you this because I was/am personally handling the communication with you folks and the sending of the Heating Pouches.

So please let me know if I promised you a Heating Pouch and you haven't received one. (These meds are great, but have caused me to be very confused.)

By the way, CinDee, we have one of the strongest patents one can obtain for our product. I think you are speaking of what S'beam calls a "SportsWrap", but in actuality it is only a flat heating pad that is cut into a rather different shape. They came out with it a cpl of months after we introduced the Heating Pouch at Walgreen in Memphis... but it's still flat.

Best regards.

Bill Lewis

I got mine today, but I'm at work and can't try it out just yet. After messing up my elbow, I can tell you I'm looking forward to trying it. Still not happy about how much someone else would have to pay to get this though. Maybe once I've used it I'll sing a different tune. We shall see.

Katie: hope you got that last comm. check :)


Re. the cost of the Heating Pouch:


The unit is actually composed of three separate, uniquely designed heating pads, which are sealed within a water-tight pvc envelope. The envelope is layered with material that will retain the heat (and cold, if you use the unit to hold an ice bag). We believe the cost of the water-tight envelope is worth it, because this allows you to produce moist heat, which penetrates more deeply into the joint.


The adjustable, Velcro-fastened web strap adds some cost, but certainly worth it to keep the Heating Pouch snug against your joint.


Our plants are certified by Wal-Mart and other major retailers annually for quality, as well as compliance with international standards precluding the use of child and prison labor. They are also certified for compliance with international environmental standards.


The plants in Donguang City have approximately 600 employees and are ISO9001/ 2000 certified; which means they meet international quality control standards.  They also meet the highest MilSpec (Military Specifications) standards and extensively use SPC (Statistical Process Control).


It took about three years to develop the product (almost a year to perfect the patent, 12 proto-types, dozens of samples supplied to Underwriters Lab, the FDA, etc, etc, etc...)


We will be lucky to recover our initial investment within the first 5 years, but I AM NOT complaining. This is not an abnormal business risk.


With that said...


OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO HELP FELLOW SUFFERERS OF CHRONIC JOINT PAIN, as well as other applications. However, at some point we would hope to make enough to pay the phone bill. :)


Our most simple business plan (we've had several) includes our selling directly to the big box stores, i.e. WalMart, Target... If we can do this, we will be satisfied with a profit of only a couple of dollars.


This would mean end users will be able to buy the Heating Pouch in the .99 range, which would be, I guarantee you, an incredibly fair price.


The reason no other company has come to market with a "contoured" or "curved" heating device, is that it is so darn expensive... compared with the "same old same old" flat heating pad.


So we have stuck our necks out to some degree, but I believe in this product, as do many doctors, sports therapists, etc.


It makes a lot of sense to completely and totally wrap the involved joint. We were encouraged to make a different one for the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, the knee and the ankle. But we never considered it. We simply made the Heating Pouch so that it can be use on either of the 5 joints.


Hope this gives you some insight into 'our side'.


By the way, I will be glad to give you guys (this forum) a special link to our site where you can order them at a lower price.


Sorry to be so long... it's half-time. :)



Well, I got mine. And I like it. Sort of.

It heats fast, and even, and I did get a lot of relief. However, I'm small and this thing is HUGE compared to my lil joints. It swallows me. That said, the strap does me almost no good. It's either too long (tightened all the way) or too short (losened all the way) to wrap around snuggly. But I can sit back and just kinda pinch it around me and make it work. And for some reason - probably because it does deliver heat all over - it does offer very quick relief. I do like how big it is compared to my feet though! It swallows them and I get more than just ankle relief. All the little toes get some heat too! But I cannot use it on my elbow unless I hold it on there, or on my knee unless I do the same.

So it's about 50/50 at this point. Sorry, I have to be honest.

Thank you for letting me try it, I really do appreciate it.


I think it is great!  It is sooo soft compared to other regular heating pads.  I am small also but understand that in a one size fit all.


Thank you


You must be a teenie little something. :)

Re. having to hold it on the knee:

You need to start with putting one of the flaps against the underside of the knee, then just wrap it around itself. Then attach one end of the 'totally extended' velcro strap to the velcro receiver of the exposed flap, encircle the knee with the strap so as to secure the unit to the entire knee. Then simply tuck the strap underneath itself.

That sounds a LOT more complicated than it is. If you will open this Windows Media file you can watch a 'sort of' demonstration of how to wrap it on the knee.

Watch how I apply it to the elbow also, which is to use the strap as a sling.

Oh yes. Don't forget to try it with the wet hand towel. The moist heat really penetrates. 

Wow!!! This is fun. :) I'll learn something too.


PS/ One more thing. Your being small reminds me that some women who are using it on their shoulder, might need to fold the Velcro strap so that it does not cover the breast. A few women have commented in the past that they were sensitive to the heat from the pouch.

I will be liquidating my supply of JointHeat heating devices for .95 each with .95 shipping, I only have 34 left so hurry. 7017734