starting to freak... | Arthritis Information



I'm getting ready for my first appointment.  I've been waiting for this however, panic is setting in.  The more I read about RA, the less excited I am about the options out there for treatment.

I also anticipated getting some answers from my first appointment, but it appears that Sleepy didn't get a lot of information. Okay, I guess I should calm down and see what happens.  Sorry!

Has anyone tried acupunture for the pain?

Make sure you write down all of your questions. Talk to your
doc about how aggresively he/she thinks you should approach
this. Also, tell your doc that you are a bit scared about all the
med options and you would like to know a little bit about
alternative treatments. As for acupuncture, some people say
they get relieve with manipulation of the needles. The few
studies thathave been done have been inconclusive as to
whether or not it helps. It mostly is more beneficial for muscular
issues, not joint issues. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

Debrakay, it'll be over soon. In one way that first appointment is one of the good things about RA--because unlike most things about RA, you dread it, hate it, have it, and then it poof, it's over! Never again do you have to do the first-ever Appointment with a Rheumy.

You're right, most likely you won't get tons of answers today. You'll get some info, but you'll walk away with more questions.

It's like the day you get your library card. You now have an entry key to an important source of information. But that first day you get your card you can only check out two books. But you keep coming back, and the good thing is you've got the card.

It's a long, maybe a very long road, to answers.

But we're waiting for you at the long table behind the stacks, getting into trouble with spitballs and talking too loud. We'll see you there.



Good luck with your appointment Debrakay. 
I wanted to let you know that I did try accupuncture for about 3 months.  I did get some relief from the pain and it seemed to give me more stamina but unfortunately the effects lasted only a few days and the cost was prohibitive for me to go more than once per week.  

I wish you well on your appointment and have some advice I hope helps you.  I suffer from a bad case of RA and hope others have thoughts as well to help you.

1. Don't pay too much attention to side effects.  Many people panic at them and say "I will never take that med" but those like me that hurt horribly know that you don't pay much attention to side effects, you just want what will work.  Side effects are rare, very rare, so please don't panic at select drug effects.  Doctors will monitor your body and blood regularly to protect you from bad effects.  You will be ok.

2. Give treatment time.  It can take a year or so before you get a great working medication.  I found I had allergies etc. to select drugs, so in time I finally got on Arava and it works for me.  It took over a year to get this medication and get it working.  So give medications time.

3. The world isn't over.  RA isn't like it was before.  There are tons of meds to choose from.  If one doesn't work, move to another.  People live full lives, even those who are diagnosed young.

4. Bone damage.  In time you can get bone damage or need replacements, remember that you will be knocked out for surgery, you will get new body parts that work and you will be just fine, even if the hip wasn't the one you were born with.

5. I believe there is treatment for everyone out there, it's just finding it and having the right doctor that make it possible.  I had to stay away from ciguarette smoke, bug spray, car exhaust, peanuts just to keep large flairs away.  Some people won't get better cuz foods or chemicals are making them worse from pain fumes in the new jewelry box sitting by your bed, to that piece of candy you eat each day.  There will be a lot of trial and errors to find your right treatments.

I wish you well.


Thank you!  I'm actually quite excited.  I've been on Prednisone since Tuesday and I can walk...and bend my fingers.  My facial swelling has gone down too!  It amazes me that this is possible already.  Even though I still have pain, just being able to walk around and to be able to do it quickly is a blessing.

I was definitely afraid of some of the side effects on a lot of the medications, but when you feel like crap and then get this glimpse of what life was a while ago, I don't really care about side effects.  I feel like the old me already...almost.

The doctor warned me that it will be a trial and error period until we find the right mix of medications.  If it gets my life back, I'm ready.

Thanks again for writing such encouraging words.  I'm not the gloom and doom kind of gal.  Again, not thrilled with having "rupus", but I'll learn to deal.  There are worse things out there, right?

It sounds as if you're doing okay with your medication, that's awesome.  I'll get there too, I know I will.
